Niall Horan

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Full name: Niall James Horan

Birthday: September 13, 1993

Age: 21

Height: 5'7

Relationship stat: Taken by Rosie :)

Children: Lil Noah

Physical feat: Blondie, irish kiddo, rosie red cheeks when the moment happens, blue eyes, swoopy hair

Clothing: Chinos, jeans or sweats, hoodie is great, graphic tees, tank tops

Personality: Have fuuun. Outgoing, say what I want. SHITBALLS. See. Try to make the best out of something I don't want to do

Favorite color: Green. Not just cuz I'm irish ok. God.

Favorite animal: Those giraffes.

Favorite food: Do I really have to list all of them?

Favorite movie: My little pony friendship is magic! Err no.

Favorite person on the account: Harry c:

Guilty pleasure: Well the boys say I have this eating problem. But whatever.

Hobbies: playing with my son, footbaaaall. Watching football, playing fifa, guitar playing, PARTY.

Man crush: Michael Buble

Motto: sleep til you're hungry, eat til you sleep

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