Liam Payne

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Full name: Liam James Payne

Birthday: August 29 1993

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Relationship stat: Taken by Liz :)

Children: 10 year old Rosie

Physical feat: brown eyes, a bit of facial hair, brown hair

Clothing: Gray or white longsleeve or tee shirt that hugs my body. Yes hugs mah body. Jeans and occasional flannel tied around the waist.

Personality: kind, gentle, loving, quite the serious one...?

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: anything with chocolate, spaghettiii

Favorite movie:Toy Story trilogy :)

Favorite person on the account: Zayn

Guilty pleasure: uh miley cyrus?

Hobbies: Chill, watch some tele, playing around with Liz and Ro, sing

Man crush: Michael McIntyre

Motto: Gotta live hardcore to be hardcore

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