Louis Tomlinson

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Full name: Louis William Tomlinson

Age: 22

Birthday: December 24, 1991

Height: 5'9

Relationship stat: Taken by Lia

Children: Luke

Physical feat: Red swoopy hair sometimes quiffed, stubbled face, blue silver eyes

Clothing: black tees, jean jackets, folded up jeans, white/black vans

Personality: loud. VERY loud. Crazy (as the boys say) obnoxious, can't stay still

Favorite color: Reddd

Favorite animal: I find penguins quite adorable.

Favorite movie: Forrest Gump

Favorite food: Chicken wrapped in parma ham stuffed with mozzarella cheese and homemade mash on the side. Oh and cookie dough.

Favorite person on the account: Harry fucking styles. And my brother william I suppose.

Guilty pleasure: slapping people's bums...? And giving love bites to Harry

Hobbies: playing football, pulling pranks, just having random fun

Man crush: Robbie Williams

Motto: Gotta have that ass and sass

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