Tantrum /8/

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Co-Writer: My Boyfriend :)

["yes people, she is taken"] -Boyfriend


Prequel to 'Sleep Alone'

Age 15

Y/N gets in trouble during her father's concerts


Y/N's POV:

I know I'm not supposed to be here but I couldn't help myself. The crowd was just too good so I snuck in. I mean it was pretty easy with the exception of the security guards and Jawn but somehow I managed. The pit was all energy, they didn't seem to take notice of my their eyes were only at the guys or so I thought. It was awkward singing along to their songs but I played the part. Everyone was jumping when the chorus dropped. I knew Travis was probably out looking for me by now but I didn't really pay much attention. I was just so sick and tired of staying backstage.

Dad didn't want me to stay in the pit for security reasons but if it, I'd did go I'd have to stay with someone or stay at the tech booth. I just don't understand what's wrong with me in the pit? I devised a plan getting out when Travis went out to get something I went out too. I stole the pass used to get in and out of backstage and crawled my way to the pit. Of course, I wasn't stupid, I wore a simple disguise. The guys won't suspect a thing or so I thought.

"This song is called Tantrum,"

The fans jump as the next song starts. It was crazy. I noticed that right after the barricade I could see Travis taking to Jawn, it's most likely about me. I hid my face with my hair as I slowly stepped backward. I only planned to step away further just so that I can blend in the crowd. I was very tight in the pit, sweat and maybe bad odor surrounded the area but people don't seem to care, there are here to see God's favorite after all. Suddenly I bumped a guy from behind, my back was suddenly wet I realized what had actually spilled.

"Hey! The fuck was that for?" The guy scuffed loudly slurring his words.

I knew beer wasn't allowed in a venue. I didn't say a word knowing if I mingled things could get worse. He pushed me to the ground. I couldn't get out it was too crowded. The people were too busy, their eyes plastered on the stage.

"That's what you get," He laughs.

At this point, I kinda being stepped on. There were some people who noticed and started to fight the guy. I was simply panicking on the scene.

"Dude what's your problem?" One guy says.

"Oh, shit- that's Awsten's kid... take a video." Another one whispers to another.

"SECURITY!' Another also yelled.

I froze in place. The seemingly drunken guy was trying to get away from the restraints one of the fans did.

"Hey, hey stop... you guy with the blue shirt, yes you! Get the fuck away from her!"

The security grabs me a hand and helps me up. I was shaken to think about how fast things can escalate. One minute I was partying another I'm on the floor panicking. Luckily, Tantrum was their last song.

I was safely back, Travis called out a medic for my scraped and bruised elbow. I felt bad for Travis, it wasn't his fault it was mine. Travis comes back with some pity. I winced in pain as the medic applied the treatment on my injury, I didn't know there was blood. The guys come back from the stage. The three weren't exactly happy, especially dad. He came up not happy. I wanted to step away but I don't want to do that.

"Y/N, what were you thinking!?" Dad exclaimed.

"I don't know," I said almost inaudible.


"I'll deal with you later..." He sighed as I tried to keep a straight face.

The car ride was silent. This was the last show of the tour so we were in Houston. The car ride was more than awkward. I hate to think about it but I'm pretty sure I ruined the last show for them. What was I thinking? I mean, I wish I was normal... but I'm not. I wanted to have fun but why is it so hard? Eventually, we ended up back home. The air felt colder and the colors looked dim. Avoiding what comes next I hurried to my room. I hoped that he wasn't gonna go in but we all know that's gonna happen.

"Y/N," He came in a stern voice, he didn't even bother to knock.


"What were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt!"

"I already did," I showed him my bandaged elbow.

"Why don't you listen?"

"Because you're never around, and when you are it's like you don't even care!"

"What? I'M DOING THIS TO BE AROUND YOU," He snapped.

I didn't know what I was saying anymore so all I did was yell, "FUCK OFF!"


"WELL... YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE ONE RIGHT NOW," Tears were forming, I knew I didn't mean it.

"You don't understand... you just don't," I said desperately.

"You're grounded, kid... it's for your own good," He says still upset.

A simple thought came into my head, I knew what I was going to do after this. What's next is anyone's guess. Dad was at the edge of the door I walked over to him, a simple tear feel. I pushed him away out the door as hard as I can, he went backward, his shoulder hitting the wall. Stunned, I looked at him and said "Goodbye," I quickly locked the door. I paced the room back and forth, I grabbed a bag and all the essentials. I was basically braindead with the one thought in my mind sticking, I have to get out. I sat on the floor fidgeting with my hair, I'm actually gonna do this. On the other side, I heard a sniffle my dad was crying. He never does this, he never wants anyone to see him cry. He sang slowly my favorite song... Silver.

I never want him to be like this. I am a burden but I can make that stop. If I go he can be happy again. When I'm gone he doesn't have to feel mad, frustrated, or stressed. I'll just wait a little longer then that's the time I go...




Awsten's POV:

I woke up to the sound of nothing. I was on the floor next to her door. I felt like shit and still feel like one. I look at her door wondering if she's alright. I understand her, I was a kid once, I wish I was around. I'd text her everyday tagging her on twitter with every chance I get. I do all those ridiculous things for her. I love her so much and I never want to see her go. She's all that have and I'll do anything to protect her, I have too. She's hurt and sad, I want to hug her but I knew now wasn't the best time. Something was not right, was it the ache on my shoulder? Fatigue? I shrugged it off like It was nothing. I got up and opened her door, I expected that she was on the bed, but she was not. She wasn't downstairs either, if she was I would know immediately.

"Y/N?" There was no response...

The window was opened slightly, not in the bathroom nor the closet. I stood in disbelief, "She couldn't do that? Could she?" Then I remembered... Goodbye... Tears formed yet again my heart raced as I freaked out.

I messed up, I messed up really bad, now she's gone... because of me.

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