Crybaby /1/

1.9K 14 7

Age 7

Y/N is upset over the thunder and decides to go to his father's room.



I wake up to a loud noise. It was very scary and I saw lights flashing by the window. It was raining very hard. I opened my eyes, it was very dark, so I couldn't see anything. I hid under my blanket thinking if I remove the cloth that was on top of me something was gonna come out to me. There was that loud noise again, but louder. I began hugging my knees inside the covers, I wanted to cry. I wish someone was here with me, I wanted my dad. I was alone in my room only a stuffed rabbit by my side. I wanted to go but it was very dark, at least there was a nightlight at the corner. I tried to sleep but just couldn't, I just wanted my dad. I didn't want to be alone the thunder was too scary. I got out of my covers and sat up thinking if I should go to him or not. There was an awful feeling and each time I thought about it I got scared.

Maybe If I just go out quickly maybe the monster wouldn't get me.

I always thought someone's gonna get me if I don't sleep. Dad told me if anything happens I should go to him.

I got out and ran to the door and quickly opened it. It was even darker and I couldn't see anything. Suddenly, that noise happened again. I ran to my dad's room using memory to navigate. I reached the door and shyly opened it. He was asleep. I walk over to him still scared and gave him a little tap. He wakes up, he looks very tired.


"I-I'm scared," I whispered.

He gave me a sad look as I hopped on his bed. He starts rubbing circles on my hand, I was resting on his chest hearing his heartbeat. Dad quietly says back and forth,

"It's okay... I'm here."

He slowly hums the tune of my favorite song. He told me he wrote it just for me. The thunder rang one last time, and he suddenly hugged me. I let out a small squeak as I hid my face on his chest and clenched his shirt tight. He hummed a little louder than before. He ruffled my hair lightly and eventually stroke it. I began to calm down, he kissed my forehead softly.

"Don't worry the monster isn't gonna get you,"

"I love you so much jellybean," Dad added.

"I love you too," I said as my eyes got heavier and heavier.

I slowly drifted off to sleep with my dad protecting me.

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