Colors /5/

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Age 5

Y/N's first day of school.

"Alright, got everything you need?"


"You sure?"


Awsten worried a lot. It was Y/N's first day of school. Typically children were terrified of going, but not her she seemed to be thrilled in going or so he thought. Awsten made sure to pack all her things. He helped pack her stuff; pencils, crayons, a notebook, and snacks. He helped her pick out an outfit as well, a cute yellow and peach dress. Awsten called his daughter for breakfast. Y/N smiled as she ate her breakfast, she couldn't contain herself she started to ask a lot of questions to her father.

"Dad, what was school like?"
"How long am I gonna take it, a day?"

It seems as though Awsten was the one who didn't want her to go. He was just nervous. What if the children do not like her? What if they are just using her? He didn't want her to go through all that. He just hoped all things go according to plan. They were ready to go, luckily the school was just a few blocks away from their home. There were a lot of children walking alongside their parents. He could see some kids crying as their parents dragged them in. Awsten wondered if that would be his daughter in a few minutes.

Awsten came out of the car with his 'Knight Bright Purple' hair. He definitely stood out amongst the parents considering he was the only one with colored hair. He brought down her bag as Y/N got out of the car. They walked to the entrance. Y/N held his hand. Suddenly she had stopped.

"Y/N? Is there something wrong?"


"I'm gonna miss you..."

Awsten was in awe. She only gonna be gone for a couple of hours for her it must have felt like years. Her father led her to the entrance, the teacher was already waiting outside.

"Hi! You must be Y/N Knight?" Y/N nodded.

"I'm Ms. Catherine," she went down to her level.

"I'm her father, Awsten Knight," He shook hands with her teacher.

The two had a quick chat while Y/N stayed behind her father.

"Well... I think your daughter will have lots of fun," Her teacher said with a cheerful demeanor.

Both father and daughter eventually had a part, but only for a few hours. Awsten had noticed Y/N trying to hold back the tears. He went down to her level and reassured that everything will be alright. He kissed his daughter's forehead and left.

Being in a new environment is hard. Y/N thought somehow it was easier but it was not. She stepped into her class, she noticed a lot of children. Y/N didn't really hang out with any children only her uncles which admittedly were also very childlike. The teacher had introduced her to her class. They all seemed to like her which made little Y/N relieved.

It was no secret he was very protective. Awsten had wondered what was she doing in there? To learn obviously, but he wondered if she was making friends or if she was causing trouble.

He finally had time to work on some music while she was out. Awsten drove to the studio Geoff and Otto were already there.

"So how'd it go?" Geoff asked.

"Well... umm... she was about to cry?" Awsten said almost questioning himself.

"They grow up so fast don't they?" Geoff nudges.

Y/N had a thing for drawing and her teacher noticed. She put lots of colors in her work, for a girl her age it was pretty impressive. The teacher had peaked at her drawing and smiled.

"That looks so beautiful Y/N!" The teacher was in awe.

"Can I take it home?" Y/N asked.

"Of course you can, here I'll put something," Ms. Catherine put a start on the child's paper.

"Something to show your dad." She smiled.

The school wasn't bad at all in fact, she enjoyed it. She couldn't wait to see her dad, I felt like forever since she had last seen him. The two guys decided to tag along, of course, they did not want to miss this momentous occasion. School has ended, Y/N waited outside. She had been standing outside talking to her new friends. Awsten could see her talking with the other children and this made him smile.

Y/N spotted the car and gave a cheeky smile. She waited for the car to be parked when the car finally stopped and they got out she ran to them and giving them the biggest and tightest hung.

"Hi, jellybean How was school?" Her father asked.

Y/N didn't say anything instead she took out the drawing and presented it to her father. She was proud of it, it even got a star from the teacher. Awsten's eyes sparkled, he couldn't stop smiling, it was perfect. The colors seemed to be accurate as well, it really fit the guys' vibe. It was a drawing of her father, Awsten.

He had purple hair and wearing his iconic sweater. In the drawing, it was him playing the guitar for her. He couldn't stop smiling at it. The five went back home, naturally, Awsten took a picture of it and posted it for all the world to see.

He was very much a proud parent. The two boys were proud uncles.

AWSTEN KNIGHT DDMSWhere stories live. Discover now