Chapter 29 - Wait, Are You Stella Jones

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Chapter 29

I sent my application to London College of Contemporary Arts four weeks ago. Today, I received a letter back from them and I was terribly nervous. I waited till Emily came home. She decided to stay for a few more weeks for my sake. I was sitting at the table, my legging bouncing up and down repeatedly. I heard the door open and close.

"Em, that you?" I called out.

"Yeah," She walked into the kitchen and put down her shopping bags, "Did you know they made Chocolate Lucky Charms? These are going to be the best things on Earth!" She smiled while holding up the box.

"Em, I got letter." I informed her.

Emily gasped and threw the box behind her shoulder. She ran to the table sat down, "Open it open it open it open it!" She spoke so fast that by the end if it sounded like a bunch of mumbling.

I bit my lip and ripped open the letter. I waited a moment before reading it. My eyes scanned the letter till I read, "Stella Jones you have been accepted..." And I stopped there cause that's all I wanted to know.

"Oh my god! I'm in! I got accepted! This is amazing!" I shouted in excitement.

Emily smiled and pulled me into a hug, "Oh babe! That's awesome! So does that mean we're moving to London?"

I pulled away and nodded, "Yep! We're moving to London!"

Emily squealed, jumped up from her chair, and started to jump up and down, the hugged me. I laughed and did the same.

"I gotta call the boys!" I realized.

Emily stuck her hand in her coat pocket and struggled to get it back out. When she managed to get it out, her phone was in her hands. I snatched and went into her contacts and tapped Zayn.

He answered on the first ring.


"ZAYN, ZAYN I- WE'RE MOVING TO ENGLAND. I GOT INTO IN LONDON COLLEGE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS AND EMILY AND I ARE MOVING! OH MY GOD I GET TO SEE YOU ALL THE TIME! AND ZAYN THIS AWESOME I GOT IN! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH," When I was finished yelling into the phone I was totally out of breath. My voice was shaking from being so excited.

"Oh my god, babe that's amazing! I'm so happy! I gotta get the lads in here!" Then he turned away from the phone and called all the boys' names and told them to get in here. Once they were in Zayn told them the news and they all cheered.

I heard Harry say, "Emily's coming too right? She better be coming cause I swe-"

Zayn interrupted him, "Yes, Haz she's coming!"

Then Harry cheered again. I ecstatic over all this. I got with the boy of my dreams. I fixed things with Nick. I got over my fear of seeing my father. I got accepted into London College of Contemporary Arts. And lastly, I'm moving to London with my best friend. Life couldn't get any sweeter.

"So when do you think you'll be moving out here?" Zayn asked once everyone settled down.

"Umm, couple of weeks maybe. I mean we've got the apartment and everything so it's gonna take some time. But hopefully it won't take too long."

"Please don't let it take too long," Zayn pleaded.

I laughed, "I won't," I promised.

Zayn and I talked for a couple of minutes. He told me how the record was going and how they spend countless hours in the studio. He also told me that 'Zella' was trending on twitter. I smiled to myself. We haven't officially gone public but Zayn and I are both thinking about do it. We aren't so set on it though. Emily was yelling at me to get off the phone because she wanted to go and celebrate. Zayn and I said our goodbyes and hung up.

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