Chapter 5 - Please Stay With Me Tonight

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We managed to sneak into a little ice cream parlor. There weren't many people inside so we didn't have to deal with a lot of people staring or anything. We both ordered, an ice cream sundae for him and a chocolate peanut butter sundae for me. We sat down at a booth and began talking more.

"I hope I'm not being too forward on this you have a boyfriend?" He asked curiously.

I giggled, "Don't worry about it, and um, no actually. I had one before I moved here but it didn't work."

"Oh, why is that?" He asked, looking down at his bowl of ice cream.

"Umm, well, I hope I'm not being to forward when I say this," I let out a small laugh, "It's not exactly something I would tell someone right away, but I have this...big scar of my stomach and the first time my boyfriend and did 'it', he acted if I had a disease or something. He didn't look at me the same way after that. I wasn't comfortable with him anymore. I'm sorry if that was to much." I bit my lip in concern.

"No, it's fine. Well, I'm sorry he made you feel that way."

"Yeah, but things always happen for a reason, right?"

Zayn's phone rang. He looked down at it, "Liam." He said. I nodded at him telling him to take it.

"Hey," Zayn said. I couldn't hear what Liam was saying.

"Sorry, man, Stella and I went out to get some ice cream...Yeah, I'll be back soon...We'll just get a cab...Alright I'll see you later." He hung up and put the phone back into his pocket, "Daddy Directioner always looking after us."

I laughed, "What would you do without him?"

After we finished we walked outside and called a cab. We were sitting there in silence. A comfortable silence.

My phone buzzed in my clutch. I pulled it out and looked at Zayn signaling I had to take it. He nodded his head.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi honey its mom." She didn't sound so well.

"Hey mom, you okay?" I asked turning away from Zayn.

"I have something to tell you...And I don't think you're going to like it."

"Mom what is it? You're scaring me."

I could feel Zayn's eyes on me.

"Your father...they are talking about releasing him."

I was shocked. I was speechless. I was scared. It was a few moments before I replied.

"What...they can't do that." I felt my eyes burning, the tears were coming.

"I'm afraid they can. Look, they don't know for sure. I'll call you when I hear more. I love you."

"I love you too." and she hung up. Tears came flooding down my cheeks.

Zayn immediately pulled me into his arms.

"Do you want to tell me?" He whispered into my hair.

I somehow managed to respond, "Not right now." and then I cried more into his chest.

I couldn't believe this was happening. My father may be walking around outside the prison soon. He could be walking in my house soon. This was too scary. The cab pulled up in front of my apartment. Zayn helped me out of the cab holding my waist in one hand and in the other holding my heels. I probably had raccoon eyes from all the crying.

We walked up to my door and I fumbled with my clutch trying to my get keys out. I finally succeed and put the key through the lock and twisted it. I opened the door and we both walked in I threw my clutch and keys on the counter. Zayn set my shoes by the door. I looked at the clock 10:36. God, I was exhausted.

I looked at Zayn with a soft face, "I'm really sorry. I kind of ruined the night." I ran my hands through my hair.

He gave me a little grin and came towards me putting his hands on both of my arms, "It's totally fine. I'm just happy I was there to comfort you. But I should leave you to sleep."

He took a step back heading towards the door. I didn't even think my body just took over me and I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Wait, Zayn can you please...stay with tonight. Or at least till I fall asleep." I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

He looked into my eyes, "Yes, I'll stay with you."

I smiled and led him to my bedroom. We walked through the door and I headed towards my closet. Zayn sat down on the couch near my window. I pulled out a big t-shirt and some sleeping shorts. I was going to unzip my dress but my arms couldn't reach the zipper.

I sighed and dropped my arms to my sides, "Hey Zayn?" I quietly called out.

"Yeah?" I heard him stand up.

"Could you help me unzip my dress?"

"Oh, um, yeah sure."

He slowly walked over to me. I pulled my hair to one side. His hands reached for the zipper and he gently pulled it down. His nuckles brushed up against my skin. When he came to the end, I turned around and thanked him. He nodded and left me to change.

I came out and I heard him chuckle.

"What?" I asked, pulling the bedding down.

"Nice t-shirt." He smiled.

I looked down. It was my brother's old chess club shirt. He's such a nerd.

"It's my brothers." I defended, sitting down on my bed.

"Don't worry, I like it." He gave me a little smile.

I blushed and lay down on my bed. I turned to face him. He was lying down on the couch without his shoes and jacket. His first few buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned. He looked so cute.

"Goodnight Zayn." I said.

"Goodnight love." He replied.

I shut of my lamp and closed my eyes. We laid there in silence for a while, till I sat up and sighed.



I waited a little bit till I replied, "Can you please lay with me?"

He waited a little too, "Sure."

I heard him get up from the couch and shuffle towards the bed. He got underneath the covers. I couldn't see him but he was so close I could smell his cologne. I followed the scent and scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head as I closed my eyes.

That night I had the best sleep I had had in years.

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