Chapter 45 - It's Okay

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Chapter 45

"Stella, come on let's go!" Nick shouted down the hallway.

I sulked as took my steps down the hall to him, "I hate this. I don't want to go."

Nick put his arm around me, "I know. I don't either but let's just do it for dad. He needs it."

"Fine," I mumbled.

We made our way out of my apartment and found a cab. Our parents were already there. Nick spent the night with Emily and I and Harry joined. I wanted to see Zayn before the therapy session but he and the boys had a radio interview pretty early in the morning. Nick and I slid into the cab. My hands started to sweat out of nervousness. My knee kept bopping up and down and wouldn't stop. I looked over at Nick and he was completely still. He looked calm and at peace. I didn't understand really. I mean our dad messed up Nick too. Why wouldn't he be nervous?

"Aren't you nervous?" I asked him, my knee finally settling.

Nick looked over at me, "Kind of but I think it's just that dad and I already talked everything over and it's all good now."

"But dad and I talked everything out too."

"You may have talked but you never forgave."

"How can I forgive him? He almost killed me."

"You don't have to truly forgive him but at least give him the chance to act as your dad again."

My eyes softened and I looked away from him, indicating I had nothing to say. The rest of the car ride was silent. When we finally reached our destination, Nick payed the cab driver and we walked into the building. We went up to the third floor. Our parents were in the waiting room, their fingers intertwined with each other. My dad's eyes brightened as he saw us. We greeted each other with hello's. Nick and I sat down across from them. We were silent. The whole room was silent. I could only hear the faint voice of the receptionist answering phone calls. After a couple of minutes our name was called. We walked around the corner into an office. We were greeted by a woman with dark brown hair wrapped tightly into bun. She dressed herself in a black pencil skirt, a black shirt, with a black blazer buttoned up. Her eyes were emerald green, making me think of Harry. She gestured us to sit down on the rather large couch.

"Hi, I'm Katie," Her voice spoke softly.

"Hi, I'm Kathryn, this is Jacob, and our two kids Nick and Stella," My mom said gesturing to each of us as she said our names.

"It's very nice to meet you all," She smiled and shook our hands. She took a seat in her chair and picked up her notepad and pen.

"So I'd like to jump right into it if you don't mind," Katie said.

"Oh, yes of course!" My mom was clearly excited about all this.

"So, I've read what you've given me and I know the story. But I don't know how you all feel about and what it was like for you. I feel like you, Kathryn, have forgiven Jacob completely."

"Yes, I have." My mom simply nodded.

"And what about you Nick."

"I forgive my dad for what he has done. We've talked a lot about and we've gotten to bond over the past few months and it's been really great."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat knowing she was going to ask me next.

"And Stella?" She looked at with her green eyes.

"Um, I hate to say it but I don't forgive him. I try and try but I just can't bring myself to it. I mean I could be dead right now."

"I understand-" She began to say.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you do. I don't think you know how it feels to shot in the stomach. The pain. To see your mother cry as you slowly fall out of consciousness. To understand the fact that your dad was the one who did this to you. Not some stranger but the one who raised you. I don't think you know how it feels to be so scared to even think of your father that you can't breathe and you can barely let out a cry. You should have seen me when I went to see him. God, I felt like I was going to pass out any second. You don't know how any of that feels."

Katie looked at me in shock. Nick put an arm around me pulling my closer to him. His thumb rubbed the fabric of my jacket. I heard my mom sniffling and let out tiny cries. I looked down the couch to at my dad. His eyes were red and there tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Stella." He whispered.

"I know you are." I mumbled.

"Jacob, is there anything more you'd like to say?" Katie asked.

"Yes, there is," My dad turned to face me more, "Stella, you honestly have no idea how sorry I am. And hearing what you just said makes me feel horrible, worse the horrible. I'm just a horrible dad who made a horrible mistake. I never wanted to hurt you, let alone the whole family. Although you may hate me, I still love you with all my heart. I'm so sorry." He dropped his head in his hands as he sobbed.

There was a moment of silence in the room, "It's okay," I spoke breaking the quietness.

He looked up at me surprised by my response, "W-What?" He stuttered out.

"It's okay," I said this time more confidently.

A tiny smile crept onto his lips, "Does this mean you forgive me?"

"I don't forgive you completely. I just accept your apology and I really want you to act as my dad again."

The wrinkles by his eyes wrinkled even more as his smile grew larger. I stood up from the couch and took a few steps towards him. I held out my arms for a hug and my dad happily accepted. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, shutting his eyes tight.

"Oh, Stella, baby I love you so much," He whispered into my ear.

I thought about before I said but realized it was the truth, "I love you too, dad."

He hugged me even tighter as the words came out of my mouth. I could hear my mom sobbing more loudly now. We finally parted. He gently kissed my forehead and I went to sit back down next to Nick.

The therapist continued to ask us questions which I almost thought was pointless. I already felt better with everything about my dad. But as she asked more questions it helped my dad and Nick patch up things that were left unsaid. As the end drew near, my mom has finally settled. I don't think she had stopped crying since it started. The session ended and Katie gave us a goodbye. The four of us walked out of the building.

"Well, that went really well," My mom breathed out.

"It really did," My dad smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

I smiled up at him and hugged his side, "So who's up for some food?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes, I'm starving!" Nick whined like child.

The three of us laughed childless and went off the find a place to eat as a family.


Hey you guys! Have you heard about all this Mr. X stuff? It's really scary. I'm sure the boys will be fine though. Whoever is behind all that is a sick person. Just praying that the boys' show at MSG turns out okay tonight!

Also, I've been wanting to write a one shot based on the song Small Bump by Ed Sheeran. It'd be a sad story but if your interested in reading it let me know! I would love to know what you guys think.

Also I keep meaning to tell you guys about this, the song Change Your Mind reminds me of Chapter 5 of this story so every time I hear that song I think of Stella and Zayn.

And that's all I wanted to tell you! Remember to vote and comment I'd really appreciate. Thanks guys(:

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