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Virgil's (pov)

I sat in silence on the hospital floor just listening to the ever flowing beep of Logan's heart rate monitor. I swayed side to side lightly trying to keep my hopes up but hopelessly failing as I sang a song that most cry at.

"Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit nerf."
I hummed the next half.
"Good. Un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit nerf. Sept huit nerf. Sept huit."

I cried out at the thought of losing Logan. I couldn't. I just couldn't. If he died then I don't what I'd do-

"What I'd miss?"

I froze turning ever so slowly to see Logan holding his oxygen mask just above his face. "We were quoting Hamilton correct?" I smiled brightly as tears formed in my eyes. I threw myself at him burying my face in his chest. "OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING PRICK! HOW DARE YOU JUST DIE LIKE THAT?! I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH YOU DUMBASS!" I yelled into his chest. He chuckled softly petting my hair as I babbled incoherent nonsense into his chest soaking his shirt. He quietly shushed me stroking my hair in a repetitive pattern. My crying slowed to a stop as I looked up at him. "Your alive." I croaked out. He smiled shyly and kissed my head. "Damn right I am." I laughed tiredly and leaned up to kiss him until.

"He's awake." I turn to see policemen piling into the room. I immediately stand up in front of Logan in a protective stance. "Don't you dare fucking touch hi~" "I plead guilty." My eyes widened as I turn to see Logan giving them a soft smile. "I killed those people. I'm the bad guy Virge. I'm sure you'll find someone new." How can he be so calm?! "Actually we're putting you two underneath the forces wing."  I looked at the policeman confused. "What you have managed to accomplish all on your own with merely two friends helping you is astounding Logan. Thanks to you we have found evidence on the Dark sides considering we found you in amongst their drug trade. Your a good guy Logan." I smiled brightly feeling Logan's hand take its place in mine. "Satisfactory. However, I have one request." The policemen nodded and waited for him to continue "Virgil and I wish to live in the UK. England specifically." I squeezed Logan's hand as the policemen looked down in thought. "I suppose I could get that arranged. The names Sanders. Thomas Sanders." He said a radiant smile on his lips.

"Well then Mr Sanders where do we start?"

(A/N-Sorry chapters are so short. I promise you shall get a full length one soon.)

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