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Virgil's (pov)

I sat at the cafe that me and Logan had agreed to meet up at. I know this seems crazy but HE'S driving me crazy. The police have been looking for Logic for a year now. I think I've found him in a day. It's a stupid hunch. But if it's even the slightest bit true I endanger everyone by NOT telling everyone. I sigh looking down at my phone scrolling through supposed pictures of Logic. Each one is the same. A blur of blue. That's it my only clue to Logics identity except I know his voice. Two clues however small point to Logan. He always wears at least one piece of clothing that is the signature Logic blue and his voice hushed or not is all to similar. He'll probably think I'm insane for thinking he is but I have to try.

A small chime of a bell causes me to look up. The guy that has caused me so much confusion walking in confidently. He spots me and smiles walking over and sitting across from me in the booth. "Salutations. I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long." I shake my head. "Nah it's fine. If you don't mind me asking. Why are you so interested in Logic?" I ask trying not to turn this into a full blown interrogation "Same reason everyone is. Morbid fascination." Vague but clever answer. "Alright then what do you want to know?" I ask leaning back in the chair. I fold my arms slightly trying to not look like I'm possibly talking to a murderer. "Did you see his face?" The question catches me off guard a little. See his face? How do I play this? Tell the truth? No he could easily put on a shocked expression. What about lie? He wouldn't expect it. "Yea actually. I gave his description to the police." His eyes widened slightly. Got him. "Now that I think about it you two look awfully similar." He shakes his head trying to keep his composure "I-I doubt that." I nod my head "Really? No siblings?" He shakes his head. "Whatever just saying he looked pretty much like you just without glasses." His face turns from shock to confusion. "I thought he wore glasses." BINGO! "Not in these pictures." I show him my phone filled with pictures of Logic. None show him wearing glasses. He immediately goes pale. "I'll be going now." He says quickly. He gets up and practically runs out the door. "Oh no you don't." I get up and run after him. I see him duck into an alleyway. I stop outside it seeing him pull out his phone.
"Sleep?.....I don't care if it's to early I need help........someone's figured me out" he pulls the phone away from his ear as I hear someone yell "WHAT?!" I pull out my phone to call the police until "I don't know what to do I don't want to end up back in that place........fine if I must." He hangs up and walks out the other side of the alley. What does he mean place? Who's sleep? Why MUST he do something? "911 what's Your emergency?" My phone sneaks up on me. "Sorry it's been handled." I hang up and watch as he turns out of sight. What do I do now? He been killing since he was sixteen. But why? And what place? I sigh. I'm need to walk this off.

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