"I hate you"

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The masks POV:

"Oh shit!" The person was a guard for sure.
"I need help at the heavy containment zone! Scp-035's chamber! Now! I need 3 men!" The guard yelled into his radio and then began to shoot at my host.

My host fell and now was useless.

I lend on the ground.

The guard stepped back and stared at me with frustration.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.
He shivered after my words.
"Why would I tell you?" He gasped together.
"Well? You seem to be scared."

"Shut up! I'm not in the mood for talking." He mumbled.
"That's a little bit rude of you, isn't it?" I questioned.

"Like i care." He rolled his eyes.

I tried to make him put me on.
But nothing worked..

"Don't you wonder where your friends are?"
I reminded him.

"Hello? I need help. Scp-035's chamber!" He again hissed into his radio.

He then stepped back to open the door that would lead into the hallway.

No one was there.

"What did you do to them?!" He hissed at me.

"Oh i don't know! Maybe they forgot you.. or they can't here you.." I chuckled.

He ran out of the small corridor and rushed to the nearest guard he could find.

In the meanwhile.., I tried to focus on my thoughts.
I had no idea how I would make it out of here.
And out of nowhere, a silly class-D Personal came around the corner.
It seemed like he escaped the guards and now had no idea where to go.

He saw me and ran up to pick me up.
So stupid..
He put me on.
Of course I possessed him, this was my only chance!

I hid in a corner and focused on the sounds.
It sounded like no one would enter this area for the next 3 minutes or so.
I took the now only chance and ran up to an elevator.

I tried to remember on wich floor the Doctor's chamber was.
I had to handle quickly.

Writers POV:

"20...-20- God! What was it?! He was panicking as he heard some guards rushing into the hallway.

He pressed the button "26".

He stepped out of the elevator quickly as the door slipped open.
He moved slowly trough the tunnel.
He heard voices. They obviously came from the doctor's chamber.

The mask snuck around the corner and then into the control room.
A scientist was talking with the doctor.
"So? Tell me. Why are you so upset?" The scientists voice whispered trough the room.

"..you're not the doctor here.., I am." Scp-049 spoke.

"Hmm. Good point. But I don't think you're a doctor." He began to argue with the scp.

"I won't fight with you. This conversation is pointless." The doctor sighed.

The mask stood up from the ground and broke the scientist's neck. He was bleeding.

The host's hands were full of blood.

The mask put the hand onto the glas.
The doctor was confused but then held his hand tight to the glas.

The mask pulled an lever, that would open the chamber door.

The doctor stepped out.

The mask didn't want to believe, that his lover, was an old friend. An old friend that had hurt him.

"Tell me the reason." The mask broke the awkward silence.

"Darling, what do mean?"


The doctor never felt such a feeling.

The doctor's POV:

I had never felt such a feeling before.
It felt like I was falling down, and I would never stop falling.

But the feeling was more like pain.

The feeling I had passed for more than a minute. For me, it felt like an hour.

"Why did you do this? What was the reason behind this all?! I gave you my trust.." my lover sounded like he was about to break apart in tears.
This had hurt me more, than the feeling I just had.
"Darling.., I'm sorry.., I will explain everything.., even if this would take hours.."

"..Go on.., i want an explanation."

"As we lived together.. in Italy, I got an offer from an friend. He said, if I would move to England, to London, and cure the people there, I would get a good price. I agreed-"

"And why did you agree with him?! We had enough money and enough stuff for everything we owned."

"Please let me continue, mon chérie."
"I agreed with him, because I hid something from you all the time.. I had a special liquid for my cure. Better to say, an better medicine. But the liquids you needed for the medicine, was expensive. The money we owned was pretty much okay, but I didn't want to use our money for it. So I agreed.." I took a pause.

"I didn't want to tell you.. Because I..- I thought you would hate me for doing this offer. So I kept it as a secret. I told you I would visit someone, and in the same night, I've ran away.
I was scared of your reaction, so I thought to myself, it would be better if you didn't know, because I was scared of being hurt.. You were my only friend. It wasn't easy for me. I struggled a lot. And in some points, I've missed you. I wanted to go, but I knew i couldn't. It was an order as I accepted. So the people there would've shot me if I tried to escape England.
Believe me.., I didn't want to hurt you in this way."
"I hate you.." he began to sob and wipe away his oily tears.

"I know you don't, darling.. I understand how you feel. I'm sorry.. This will not happen again. I will stay with you, no matter what."

"But you left me..! You left me behind two times!" He began to hiss at me.

"I didn't mean to.., as we tried to escape, I had no other option. If we tried to kill them, they would've shot us both. I didn't want you to be hurt, so this was my only choice.., I'm sorry.."

"Alright.., but this doesn't make it any better. You left me as I was struggling in everything. As we were in Italy, i had a hard time.. I couldn't write my Scripts, because I was under stress, and this gave me..- yes..- it gave me depression..- And to it: you left me behind.." He sobbed again.

"Darling.., this was the past..- and now.. is something different."

"I don't know if I can trust you.."

"Well? What's the point.. why would you make your way down here.., only to talk? No..- I know who you are. And you're not the type of 'let's talk this out and then I'll leave'- I know you very well, darling. I love you.. It hurts me as much as it hurts you.." I felt warm tears in my eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for.." he sobbed.

I was confused for a moment there, but realized what he meant.

I crawled up to him and gave him a warm hug.
I don't think, that I've ever felt so much pain and love at the same time.

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