{3|06} - Bad news

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Stiles pov

I had almost forgotten about everything that had happened last night. Almost. I remembered when I woke up with Scott laying next to me, arms wrapped around my waist. I forgot how much I loved this boy.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Part of me hopes we can just lay like this all week. The other part of me wishes it was Derek. I don't know why... I really don't. I hate Derek for what he did to Scott. But this other feeling... I don't understand it.

I love Scott. We'll keep it at that. At Scott. At this.

Scott looks up at me with a smile on his face. Fuck he's cute. I lean in without thinking and kiss him on the lips. I pull away.

"Are you okay, Stiles?" He asks me quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, returning his bright smile from earlier. He rests a hand on my face.

"Okay, what do you want to do today?" He asks.

"I think it's pretty obvious what I wanna do Scotty," I respond, pulling Scott back in for another kiss.

"But what if Derek comes back?" Scott asks.

"Oh, I didn't tell you..?" I respond.

"Tell me what?" Scott's looks at me, confused.

"I'm going back after a week," I say, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"What?! Why?"

"Because I made a promise that I would."

"A promise to Derek? Are you kidding me Stiles?!" Scott stands up off the bed in a hurry. I stay seated on the bed.

"Yes to Derek, and no im not kidding. Scott he's not trying to hurt me. He's protecting me."

"What in all hell are you talking about?!"

"It's hard to explain..."

"What do you mean it's hard to explain? Derek kidnapped you, and you promised to go back?! What the fuck!?"

"Just listen-"

"Stiles. You can't leave me again! I can't go through this again! I can't not see you for another whole month! You can't do this to me!" Tears flush from Scott's eyes. I can't help but let out a few myself. I wall over to him and rest my hands on his face.

"We'll go talk to Derek. He'll be able to explain it better, but you have to promise not to hurt him!" I reply.

"What? Stiles-"


Scott looks down at the ground, holding my hands in his. "Okay... I promise," he replies softly.


"Derek! You here?" I yell out.

"Stiles? Why are you back so early," Derek asks, stepping out from the building in front of us. "Oh, Scott?"

"What the hell is going on Derek?!" Scott yells out, furious and confused. I can tell he's holding back on attacking Der.

"Scott, you promised..." I say, looking down at the ground. He let's out a sigh. " Derek, I thought it would be easier if you could explain to Scott what's happening, and why I'm here."

"Stiles, we can't really tell anyone." Derek responds sternly.

"I know... but he's my boyfriend... he deserves to know."

"Okay, fine. Scott, you cannot tell anyone what I am about to tell you."

Scott looks at Der confused, then he nods his head. We walk to the back of the building where there is a seating area. Scott and I take a seat next to each other on the sofa whilst Derek sits across from us in an arm chair.

"There are very dangerous people looking for Stiles. They are threatening to hurt him if they don't get the information they need. The only ones with said information is me and Stiles." Derek explains.

"What? Who is?" Scott asks.

"A very, very dangerous pack. They call themselves the 'Peste Negra' which is Spanish for black plague." Derek continues. "They want Stiles because he's smart and knows stuff about us shapeshifter's that only my mother knew, which was soon passed onto me. This information that we hold, people would kill for it. This information can bring the end of civilisation for good."

"Holy shit! What are you going to do if they find you?" Scott asks.

"Fight, run, who's to tell? Hopefully it doesn't come to that, or Stiles and I will have to move away, go on the run, most likely never return. That's how serious this is. That's why I had to take Stiles with me."

"What if I can help you?" Scott asks. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"Scott, you can't." I say, before Derek can.

"But I want to. I want to be able to keep you safe. Always." Scott argues.

"Scott, you can't. It's far too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt again, because of ME." I reply, grabbing one of his hands and holding it in mine. Scott looks down at the ground.

"You can't expect me just to sit around while your life is at risk. I can't do that to you." He speaks after a few seconds of silence.

"Then do it FOR me, not to me. This is the only thing I need you to do Scott. Please, promise me you'll just stay out of it." I say with a stern look on your face.

"BOSS! BOSS I HAVE BAD NEWS!" Someone yells out whilst running towards us.

"Kyle, calm down, what's wrong?" Derek asks concerned.

"They're comi- oh, Stiles, heh, hello." Kyle stutters.

"Kyle," I nod my head.

"Continue!" Derek interrupts.

"Right! Uh, Peter and Kate are coming. But that's only half of the bad news..."

"Peter and Kate?! How the hell is that only half!?" Derek yells.

"Becuase the peste negra are also coming. They've found you guys."

Holy shit... It's happening... I can't leave Derek's side. I... I have to leave everything behind. I can't do that... I can't..

"Shit..." is all Derek manages to say.

"Stiles... calm down..." Scott speaks up. "You're shaking! Stiles? STILES!"

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