{2|05} - trouble in school

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We arrive at school and hop out of my jeep. We walk into the school and look for our friends. Scott seems to know where he's going, but I kinda don't. I don't really pay attention to where they all hang out. Nonetheless I continue walking with Scott.

We make it to a table and we sit down with everyone else. By everyone else I mean Kira Malia Liam mason and Hayden. Scott places a hand on my leg under the table. I smile a little but keep my eyes pointed at the table in front of me.

I really want to put my head on his shoulder but I know i can't. Oh but I do wish. I can't wait till he's ready to tell people. I'll be able to show him just how much I care about him. I'll be able to show the world just how much I care about Scott McCall.

When the bell rings for class everyone gets up and goes there separate ways. Scott and I have the same class so we walk the halls together. I mean,, even if we didn't have the same class we'd still find a way to walk together.

Before we make it to the class Scott pulls me into a unused closet.

"Scott..?" I ask. He doesn't respond, just places his arms around my neck and pulls me into a kiss. He really wants to do this now? Alright then. I place my hands on his waist and shut my eyes, leaning into the kiss. He ruffles my hair, moving his other hand onto my face. He pulls away for a second.

"I love you.." He whispers before leaning in again. I stop him before he makes contact.

"As much as I love this, and trust me I love this a lot, but we need to get to class Scotty." I say. He leans in again, this time lightly biting my lower lip. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Okay,, let's go." He says letting me go. I walk out of the room and Scott follows behind me. We walk into class, the teacher want there yet. We sit down and there's a spare seat next to me. Rylee. He's not here?

I decide to text him before the teacher arrives to make sure he's okay.

I decide to text him before the teacher arrives to make sure he's okay

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"Stiles? You okay there?" Scott asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just texted Rylee." I reply. There's no point in lying to Scott.

"Oh, is he okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, he should be." I say. Just then the teacher walks in and apologises for being late. I place my head on my desk in my arms and close my eyes. I can sense that Scott is looking at me sympathetically. He has nothing to worry about though. I'm fine. Rylees fine. We're both happy. And now I'm with Scott, the love of my life.


I feel Scott tap on my shoulder, waking me from a sleep I didn't realise I fell into.

"Hey, Stiles. Class is over." He says. I look around and everyone is gone, including the teacher.

"Oh..." I say. He chuckles a little at me as I rub my tired eyes. He rests a hand on my face.

"You are adorable." He says with a bright smile. I smile back. This feeling he gives me... it feels so right. I stand up and start walking out of the room. Scott follows behind me. We walk to the table our friends sit at and take a seat. Scott and I talk to eachother, and no one else, just us, minding our own buisness.

When the bell rings for class, Scott doesn't move. He stays seated whilst everyone else walks to their class.

"Scott..? You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Do you wanna ditch?" Scott asks.

"Scott... you know i-" I start but Scott cuts me off.

"Please Stiles?" Scott asks. He looks genuinely sad. It pains me to see him like this. I look around and see Allison standing in the doorway. That must be why he wants to leave so bad. I look back at him.

"Yes. We can go." I say. I look back towards where Allison is. She's walking towards us. I grab Scott's hand and make him stand up. I look back and see that Allison sped up, so I rush out of the room, Scott's hand still in mine, and go straight to my car.

"Thanks Stiles." Scott says quietly. He sounds really upset.

"Is everything alright Scotty?" I ask.

"I-i don't kn-know. Allison... she said sh-she was going to hurt you. I don't want you getting hurt Stiles. I really, really don't." He replies. I reach and grab his hand in mine again.

"Even if she does hurt me, Scott it won't be the first time." I say nervously. I didn't tell anyone, but Allison used to hurt me.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Um... Nothing!" I say. I don't really want Scott knowing about something like that. He doesn't need to know. She's in the past, hopefully.

"Stiles..?" Scott says. "What are you hiding?" I let go of his hand and place them both on the steering wheel.

"Nothing..." I say. "Nothing you have to worry about."

"Stiles." He says.

I don't say anything back. I rest my head down on the steering wheel and close my eyes. I don't want him worrying.

"Stiles... Please talk to me." Scott pleads. I lift my head up again and look at Scott.

"She used to bully me." I say. "Everyday. When you first started dating she attacked me. Said something like I was trying to take you away. I wasn't then. But I sure did think about it not gonna lie."

"God Stiles. Why didn't you tell me anything?" Scott asks.

"By the time I was going to, Allison apologised and stopped. I didn't feel as though it was necessary to ruin your relationship over MY problems." I say.

"I'm so sorry... I swear to you I wont ever let that happen ever again Stiles."

"Thanks... also why did you want to ditch?" I ask.

"I saw Allison. She was staring at you. Then I remembered you had your next class with her. I didn't want to leave you alone in a room with her." He says.

"Well thanks then." I say. I start up the car and start driving away from the school. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask.

"I don't know..." He says sleepy. I shrug my shoulders and chuckle a little whilst still driving. Scott dozes off to sleep before we even arrive anywhere. He's so cute when he's sleeping.


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