{2|10} - unexpected reunion

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At school:

Scott and I sat down with everyone else and talked about Derek hale. Scott didn't mention the dreams I had and I'm grateful for that. We still haven't told anyone about us, but I can wait. As long as he's happy, I'm fine.

"So, what are we going to do if Derek really does show up?" Malia asks.

"We don't know yet. But if the time does come, I'm sure we'll think of something." Scott says.

"Derek is strong, but we've beat him before." Lydia states. Scott nods in agreement.


At the end of the day Scott and I jump in my car and begin the drive home. As we drive down the street something jumps out into the middle of the road and I swerve the car to try and avoid them. It works but I send the car smashing into a tree just off the road.

We hit it with a hard impact, which knocks the both of us out. Not completely, but enough for us not to be able to do anything. The person who was in the middle of the road walks over to my car. They walk to the drivers seat and pull me out, leaving Scott alone. He drags me into the grass. Derek.

"Hey Stiles." Sour wolf says to me before punching me in the face, knocking me out fully. It went pitch black. I saw nothing but white stars every now and then that came and go as they pleased.


Scott's pov:

Someone came out of nowhere into the middle of the road in front of where Stiles was driving. He swerved just in time not to hit them but we slammed right into a tree. Someone dragged Stiles out of the drivers seat. It looked kind of like... Derek! Fuck!

"Hey Stiles." He says in his smug little voice, then he punches Stiles in the face, knocking him out.

"No..!" I yell out, trying to be as loud as possible. Derek leans over and looks at me through the doorway of the car. He chuckles. Fucking chuckles right in my face.

"Hey there Scott." He says with a smile. I unbuckles my seatbelt and get out of the car.

"Let him go Derek." I say sternly, walking over to his side of the car. He raises his hand and about 8 other guys come out from behind the trees. "What are you playing at Derek?" I ask.

"That's for me to know aight? Now we are going to go, and you are going to let us. Stiles is going to come with us and you will not fight that. There are more of us then there are of you little Scotty. Be smart about this." Derek says with his smug little smile on his smug little face.

I look around at everyone who had emerged from the trees, then back to Derek.

"You're starting the wrong fight here Derek. You don't have to start this. Back off." I say. Some of the people around laugh a little. Derek doesn't. I can see the scared glare in his eyes. He won't admit he's scared though.

"I'm not looking for a fight here Scott. He's got potential and I'm just here to use it." Derek says. "Back off Scott. This isn't your fight here."

"You taking Stiles right now is making it my fight. Know that before you carry on with this shit. You continue, you the one starting shit." I say. "Leave. Him. Alone. And we won't have a problem."

"Since when did you care about this kid? Everything with you is about Allison ain't it?" Derek asks.

"Not anymore Derek. That ain't needed for you to know though. Drop this shit now Derek." I speak up. He chuckles and shakes his head at me.

"Listen to me Scott. I'm going to give Stiles the bite. He's going to join my-"

"What if the bite doesn't work Derek?! What if it fucking kills him? You ever think about that? And since when were you an alpha?" I yell.

"A lot of things have changed dear Scott. I'm guessing you could say the same, especially since you said Allison is out." Derek states. "Now if you don't mind... We must be on our way." Derek turns around to where Stiles is, but he isn't there.

"Where is he?" I ask. I look around at everyone and see him hiding behind some bushes. I don't react. I keep looking around as if I saw nothing.

"How the fuck could you let him get away?! He was knocked out for fucks sake!" Derek yells out to the people standing around. They all shrug their shoulders and walk closer to Derek.

I look back at where Stiles is hiding and see him looking up at me. I shoo him away with my hands.

"Don't fucking come to me! He couldn't have gotten far! Look around!" Derek yells. Stiles shuffles backwards and runs away deeper into the woods. I smile and walk away from Derek and his new little group of people.

I decide to leave Stiles car there and call a tow truck later to go pick it up or something. I walk down the streets and back to my house.

Stiles better find his way out of this situation. I believe he can do it, but Derek is a fucking werewolf. He doesn't have stiles scent though. He should be fine. Hopefully they don't find him.

If they do though, I'll know, I'll fucking know. If they even touch one hair on that boys head, they ain't gonna see the end of it. I'll protect Stiles. I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt.

To do that, I gotta let him figure out this situation alone for now. He's strong, he's capable of surviving. I know that, we all know that. I should tell them what happened.

Or maybe I shouldn't. They don't need to know. This is between Stiles and Derek and me. No one else.


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