{2|09} - horrors

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I wake up to an empty bed. Where did Scott go? I sit up and rub my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Scott isn't even in the room. I stand up and leave Scott's room, heading down the stairs hazily. Scott's in the kitchen sitting on the counter.

"Scott..? I say quietly, almost in a whisper. Scott doesn't respond. I walk over to him and walk in between his legs. "Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Yeah..." He mumbles. His face is red. His eyes are teary.

"Scott... what's wrong?" I ask again.

"Derek... He came here. He bit you." Scott says. As he says it, I feel a pain in my right arm. I lift my sleeve and look. There's a bite mark.

"What? How did I not wake up?" I cry out.

"Stiles! Derek bit you! You aren't healing! It didn't work!" Scott yells. He jumps off the counter and tears flow out of his eyes.

"D-does that mean..." I start.

"You're dying Stiles." Scott says. What? I'm dying? No. No I can't! My legs go wobbly. I'm not stable. I fall. Scott manages to catch me right before I land.

I feel something drip out of my mouth. I reach and take a look at my hand once I've wiped my lips. Its black blood. I'm really going to die.

"Stiles! Wake up!" An echoed voice shouts.

"Stiles! Please!" They shout again. I close my eyes. Soon I open them again. I'm in bed. Scott's bed. Scott's here.

"Scott?" I ask.

"Yes! What happened?! Are you okay?!" Scott asks frantically.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I ask.

"Your heartbeat was rising a lot." He says.

"Oh." I say.

"Oh my god. Stiles! Who bit you?! And when!?" Scott yells out.

"What..?" I ask. I look down at my leg. There's a bite mark. What? What's going on? I close my eyes again.


"Stiles? Wake up please..." Scott yells. I fling my eyes open and scream as loud as I can. I flail around the bed. Scott grabs hold of me and holds me close and tight. I slowly calm down whilst Scott brushes his fingers through my hair reciting the same thing over.

"Shh, it's okay Stiles. You're safe. I'm here." He says it 6 or 7 times, still holding me close to him, refusing to let go. I calm down and relax against Scott's chest. He keeps brushing through my hair. Keeps me relaxed.

"What happened?" Scott asks after a few minutes.

"N-nightmare..." I stutter.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"What happened in your nightmare?" Scott asks.

"I was bitten. You were there. You told me I was dying. You told me the bite didn't work. Then I closed my eyes. I awoke into another dream. Nearly the same, but shorter. Then you woke me up. Now we're here." I say.

"God.. That's crazy.." Scott says. Wait. How do I know I'm not dreaming right now? What if this is just another? What if it's not over yet? My breathing speeds up and my heart beats rapidly.

"Stiles.. you okay?" Scott asks.

"I-i don't know if this is real or not..." I reply, hyperventilating more and more as the seconds go by. "Am I dreaming?!" I cry out.

"No! Stiles, this is real!" Scott yells, still holding me close and tight.

"How do I know that for sure?! How do I know this isn't just all in my head!?" I cry out, tears rushing past my cheeks and onto my shirt.

"Fingers... You have extra fingers in dreams! Count with me Stiles!" Scott says. He holds put his hand in front of both of us with one finger up. "Stiles, count with me!" He says again.

"One.." I say.

"YES. Keep counting!" Scott says. He lifts another one of his fingers up.

"Two.." I say. He lifts another finger. "Three... four... five...." I count. He brings his other hand forward.

"Keep going." He says. My breathing slows down a little and I continue counting Scott's fingers.

"Six... seven... eight..." I say. "Nine... ten..." I finish. Scott moves his hands down and wraps them around Me again.

"Ten, Stiles. This is real." He says to me. He brushes his fingers through my hair, calming me even more.

"Its real..." I say almost in a whisper. My eyes flutter shut and I lean back into Scott's arms more. Scott lays down on the bed, taking me with him. I lay on top of him, his arms still wrapped around Me. It was late still. The sky outside was dark and the stars shone bright. There was no way I was getting sleep after that episode, but my eyes still stayed shut.

"You're not sleeping are you..?" Scott asks.

"No. I can't. I'm scared I won't be able to wake up again..." I respond. Scott sits up, pulling me with him. He turns me around so I face him. He places his hands on both of my cheeks.

"I'll stay up with you." He says with a smile. He looks tired, but devoted.

"Its fine, you can sleep." I say. Scott simply shakes his head.

"Nope. I can't sleep knowing you're not because you had a nightmare." He says. "Im staying up with you."

"Thank you.." I respond. He let's me go and we both lay back on the bed. I roll over and lay my head on Scott's chest. We both just lay there peacefully.

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