{3|05} - The truth of the month

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I woke up to the door of my room opening. Derek walks in with a bright smile.

"You ready to go?" Derek asks kindly. This is probably the nicest he's been to me the whole time I've been here.

"What?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Are you ready to see your friends?" He asks again.

"Oh shoot, you really weren't kidding?" I half ask while sitting up in my bed.

"Yeah, I said I wasn't. Now let's go," he says, urging me to stand and follow him, so I do. I stand up slowly and stretch a little before following behind Derek. he leads me outside where I find my jeep parked. Derek then hands me the keys to my car.

"Really? I can just go?" I ask.

"If you promise to come back, I'll let you go for a week. Maybe two," he says just as he did lastnight.

"Thanks Derek. I really appreciate you doing this for me," I say with a smile.

"Of course Stiles. Now go check on your friends," he replies. I is my head and walk to my jeep. I hop in and drive off.


"Scott! Calm down please!" Rylee calls out after me. I storm off still mad that we still have no leads on where Stiles is.

"I fucking can't Rylee! We have nothing! How the FUCK are we going to find Stiles?" I yell out, stopping in my place.

"I don't know Scott, but that's why we're all here. We all want to find Stiles. We all want him to be okay. We're all in this together," he responds. Despite my hectic frustration, Rylee seems to calm me down a little.

"I know... but we have nothing!" I yell out again.

"Holy-" Rylee says with wide eyes. A car pulls up behind us and the car door opens and closes. I stand there not daring to turn around.

"Rylee..." I say. He just points. I turn around slowly. "Oh my god!" I yell out. I run forwards and pull Stiles into a tight hug. He hugs me back.

"Hey Scotty!" He greets enthusiastically.

"What happened to you? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?!" I ask, worried as all hell.

"Scott, I'm fine. Derek didn't hurt me. He's actually been really nice to me," he replies. I pull away from him to see his face.

"What do you mean he's been nice to you?" i ask.

"I mean he's treated me more of a roommate than anything else. He did let me come and see you guys, that's for sure," he responds.

"So he hasn't turned you? Or tried to?" I ask.

"No, I'm completely fine," he says.

"Do you know what he's planning to do?" I ask.

"Uh, no? Can we not talk about this please? I just want to go home and cuddle..." he says, looking down at the ground.

"Sounds great to me!" I reply wrapping one of my arms around Stiles back and walking towards his car. He looks up at me and gives me a slight smile. We get in the car and he starts it up, driving away.


Back at Stiles house, he knocks on the front door and waits for his father to answer. When he does, his eyes go wide in shock.

"Stiles?!" He yells out, pulling his son into a tight hug.

"Hey dad," he replies.

"Are you okay? Where the hell have you been?!" Noah asks.

"Uhh.. I was... at Scott's house?" Stiles replies shakily, breaking the hug.

Why didn't he tell his dad where he really was? Does he not want his dad to worry? But why?

"Alright then. You should text me next time you plan on going away for that long, just sl i know you're okay," Noah responds to the obvious lie.

I give Noah a weird look. He knows I've been unconscious for a month... why are they both lying?

"Stiles, why don't you head to your room for a second. I need to speak to Scott for a second," Noah says. Stiles nods and walks away.

"Why-" I start.

"I know very well when that kid is lying. He lies to me a lot. I find it better if he doesn't want to tell me things, I shouldn't force him to. I'm guessing he doesn't know about your state during this past month?"

"Uh, not exactly... I mean there was no way to tell him, until now."

"So you are going to tell him?"

"Yeah... eventually."

"The sooner the better son. Also it's great to see you doing better. Now go talk to him." I nod my head and walk to Stiles room.

"What was all that about?" Stiles asks as I take a seat next to him on the floor.

"Just stuff, nothing important," I reply, laying down, urging Stiles to aswell.

"Well alright then," he says, laying down next to me. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. "So what have you been doing the last month?"

"Uh... ive uh.." I start. Did I really have to tell him now? Damn.

"Dont worry, you can tell me," he says with a smile,looking up at me.

"Right... ive uh... ive been in the hospital... unconscious..."

"Wait.. what?!" He yells out, sitting up and pulling me with him.

"Yeah... uh... Derek hurt me pretty badly. I've been in a coma, only just woke up 2 weeks ago," i respond, scratching the back of my neck. Stiles pulls me into a hug, refusing to let go. I feel something hit my bare shoulder, a tear. Stiles is crying?

"Hey, baby, you okay?" I ask, tightening my grip around Stiles.

"Yeah... I just can't believe you were in a coma," he responds through heavy sobs. "I can't believe I could've lost you, and I wouldn't have known.." Stiles let's me go and turns around to lay down in my lap. I place my arms under his chin.

"Don't worry Stiles, you won't lose me any time soon. Im all yours, I'm not going anywhere," I say, brushing through his soft, brown hair.

"Thanks Scotty..." he responds, placing a hand on my cheek. I look down at his innocent face, with a smile on mine. I push him up and lean in for a kiss. He doesn't stop me, just places his arms around me and pulls me closer. Once we pull away, he returns to laying in my lap.

He's so fucking cute! I'm so glad hes back in my arms. Im so glad hes okay. Im so glad I have my baby with me! I can't hell but smile down at him. He has his eyes closed, but he's still smiling with a light blush on his cheeks.

I love this man!

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