Long Live the King

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                               Days turned into weeks as the Devil was enjoying his time within the Hotel, he performed magic and tricks to make others laugh and bonded quite well with a few of the mortals.  Alastor did his best for Charlie to show that what they were doing was for the good of her project but when she wasn't around, the two couldn't help but be a little mischievous, Demons that would join and have a rude attitude about the place were dealt with in quiet but soon they too were brought on board by the dark tones Lucifer and Alastor showed them.  Elizabeth had become withdrawn from others, only ever doing things if Alastor was involved and wanting to be by his side at all times.  The Deer would catch Lucifer watching them from afar,

"Your Majesty, is something wrong?  You tend to watch me and Elizabeth from time to time, I also notice you tense when Angel Dust is near me flirting as he normally does.  Something you want to say?"  He leaned closer to the other who was sitting at the bar trying to look unbothered by the questions,

"I'm just curious to know if maybe you'd found someone?  Not sure which team you play for Darling, but if that is the type you like?"  Alastor held his smile but his eye twitched at the idea of such a thing, he chuckled to place his arm around the other putting his hand upon his shoulder.

"I assure you, no one catches my eye, and should I settle for anyone well... I'd prefer it to be of a higher quality of standing.  Perhaps maybe a King?"  Lucifer went wide-eyed but before he could question the other, Alastor was gone from the room and he held a worried expression on his face, had he heard that right?  Certainly not, he went about downing a few drinks as he decided to go out for a flight, heading outside to the garden the Devil would unfurl his wings to take off from the Hotel.

                          While the Devil thought he was sneaky to just leave the Hotel, Alastor would follow close behind as he tailed the King wanting to see what mischief he was going to get himself in when the Devil entered a bar that belonged to Mimzy no less.  This time, however, he used magic to hide his true self from the Demons around him and sat off to a corner when Alastor entered not too long after.  For a moment, he lost the Devil but something told him he was there and seeing his friends Mimzy, Husk and Niffty all hanging around the bar, the Radio Demon left to mingle with them.  Mimzy's face lit up immediately as she saw him enter, hopping off the barstool and rushing over to give Alastor a crushing hug.

"Oh, Alastor!  We were just chattin' about you!  How have you been, sweetheart?  I heard you two picked up some shifts down at the Happy Hotel!"  Alastor stiffened up and released a grunt, wincing at the bone-crushing hug delivered by his old friend. The poor deer could hardly breathe.  Once released though, he caught his breath and chuckled.

"I've been quite well Mimzy dear!  In fact, better than ever now with me helping the Princess' Hotel!" The Radio Demon said turning to look at his other companion, the Deer strolled over to Nifty and patted the Demon's head gently.

"I was wondering where you went off too Nifty!" He said as they conversed for a while with Lucifer watching from afar, using his magic to hide himself was starting to take its toll.  At one point, Niffty brought up Elizabeth and was cooing over how cute she was when watching the Radio Demon from afar that it made Alastor feel somewhat uneasy about the thought of being on someone's mind at the Hotel.

"Well, it's always good to see Al making new friends!  I know Big Daddy Radio over here is cool and tough and could totally eat me up in one bite," Niffty held a little black finger up.  "But! He still deserves friends, and, hand burning on the bible, Alastor hangs out with the Devil so much," Niffty leans in to whisper, "Demons are starting to talk."  Hearing that made Alastor tense a bit, he didn't think he'd been any different then again it had been years since he'd seen Lucifer that he couldn't help but spend time with him.  Mimzy scoffed,

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now