Chapter Twenty

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THE GOD QUICKLY PIECED TOGETHER LOKI'S PLAN. He knew he was somewhere close, because of his ability to get into Thor's head so easily. This was just another one of his tricks. Feed the god dreams of something he could never have, someone he could never save. Torture Thor with the idea of Nova in his arms. Plant a picture of the woman happy with him... and then, simply take her away.

Loki tore the happy dream away from Thor as quickly as he brought it in. He then filled it with images of her death, in every dream she would remind the god that he couldn't save her. His brother knew. Nova was his weakness, and he was after her.

Natasha joined the men in the living room as they began arguing about Loki's next move. They thought that would end in another battle, but Thor knew that wasn't what he was intending.

"He is after Nova," Thor called out silencing the rest of the group.

Nat's eyes crinkled together in confusion, "why would he be after her? He doesn't even know where she is."

Thor stood carefully piecing together the clues in his head.

"You see, I know my brother. This is just another one of his games," Thor began as he paced around the living room.

"He is aware of my closeness with the girl, after all why would I simply abandon my place at the throne to remain down here on earth? Loki gave me the clues in my dreams, they were a message. To make me aware of his presence and tell me what he was after."

Steve spoke up not following his rant, "what were in the dreams?"

"Lady Nova would appear in all of the visions, at first they were happy. But then they shifted into images of her death. Her eyes would glow green, the same color as Loki's. The mortal would always repeat the same thing 'you can not save me, you never could.'"

Tony crossed his arms rubbing his chin in thought before he spoke, "He knows where to hit you where it hurts. If he goes after the girl, he knows we will follow."

"But what's the point in that? Take Nova so he can draw us in and do what exactly? Try killing us again?" Natasha asked.

"He's going to kill her," Steve mumbled connecting the dots, "he wants Thor to suffer like he has. He knows he can't beat you and he sure as hell can't beat us. So he kills someone you love to make you weak."

Natasha nodded at his statements, "Revenge."

"Well let's play the game then, only we can play it better. Whoever gets to Nova first gets to keep her," Tony replied sarcastically before turning to his office.

"Where the hell are you going Tony?" Steve asked turning to follow him.

"I'm gonna give her a call."

Thor raised an eyebrow at his words, wondering how that would protect Nova.

"Relax big guy, you don't honestly think I was dumb enough to give the girl a phone and not put a tracker on it do you? Find the phone, find Nova. Simple."

"And if we are too late?" Thor asked fearing what Loki would do if he got his hands on the mortal.

"Then it looks like we gotta kick your brothers ass one more time," Tony replied as he grumbled and rubbed his hands through his hair, "A lot of fuss over an extraordinarily average girl. Especially on our day off." Tony said with a wink as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Now lets give her a call shall we?"


A shorter chapter, but the action will be coming soon 🤭

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