"Did You Miss Me?"

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Btw just let you guys know, there's a metal guy episode of the Flash on next week and I have no clue what I'm going to do. Like I started writing this before that episode was like previewed. I'm screwed. I've also noticed I have like no comments I hope that changes.

Also I really didn't have a picture for this chapter, so enjoy that weird lipped picture of Lily Collins. Yea whatever. Okay.



Aria woke up next to Barry, snuggled into his chest. She got up carefully, making sure she didn't disturb his slumber. Once she was dressed and out of her sweats, she threw her hair up in a ponytail and sat on the edge of the bed. "Barry?" She asked softly, "hey I need to go to work. I'll call you later." He opened his eyes and smiled up at her. She kissed him, not knowing that it would be the last kiss they would share for a long time.
Aria didn't own a car, but Barry lived a block from the coffee shop so she was okay. She walked quickly across the street, smiling at Iris. "Haven't seen you at home for a while... Where have you been staying?" Aria put on her apron. "With Barry." She mumbled his name is a very shushed tone. "Oh god! You've been sleeping with him haven't you!" Aria shot a glare to Iris. "Just sleeping. And I literally mean sleeping. We haven't even like made out. I like it being mostly platonic." Iris sniggered, "yea, mostly." Another glare got sent to Iris, and they both had a good laugh. Aria noticed they had been open for only a couple minutes when piles of costumers stormed in. All of the sudden, glass shattered, metal guy standing in front of a broken window. "Aria! Come out come out wherever you are!" She shook with fear, and Iris looked shocked. She quietly pulled out her phone putting under the counter calling Barry. "There you are!" She winced as another man grabbed her by the hair which caused her to scream. "Iris!" She yelled. "Oh you want your little friend to come too? Punch, get her." Her feet weren't even touching the ground, he must have super strength. Barry suddenly appeared wearing his red suit. Aria didn't see him, untitled her was fighting metal man. He tried to throw a punch but if completely shattered the bones in Barry's wrist. "No!" Aria yelled. Iris was knocked out next to her, her head bleeding. She struggled as a needle went into her arm, memories of Doctor Wells flooding back to her. Barry was crying out in pain of the ground, until he finally felt wellish enough to run back to Star Labs.

"You're wrist, yea don't punch that guy." Caitlin said. Cisco looked around. "He has R and Iris?" Barry nodded, just know realizing it himself. "There was another medi-human. He had super strength." Dr. Wells wheeled into the room, smiling. "You'll get them back Barry. You always do. I have a bad feeling about this though. Why would medi-humans team up just to take down a hero." Cisco sat down at his laptop. "Let's work on this Caity." Caitlin hit him on the head. "Don't you ever call me that again." Barry just looked around, trying to figure out what to do. "Barry!" Someone screamed. Their voice was female, and it came from the speakers. "Barry Allen!" They screamed again, you could tell they were crying. "Hear that Barry?" Said someone who wasn't the female. "That was, oh which one was it? The nice pretty one, Aria." You could hear her struggling in the background. "Barry don't listen-" he couldn't listen. "Lay off, or the girl dies, and don't think I forgot about the other one. Iris is why, someone else." You could hear the evil dripping from his words. "We need back up. And I know who to call." Caitlin handed Barry is phone, dialing a number. "It's that metal guy again, but this time he has partners. We need your help." He was careful not to say his voice in front of Caitlin, or anyone in the room. "We'll help." Ollie just about hung up, but Barry spoke "We need Felicity to track a virus." Ollie and Barry talked for only seconds longer before hanging up. Hours later Oliver dressed as the Arrow with Roy, Felicity, and Dig were all in star labs. Roy and Oliver duly decked out in their gear. Barry's hand had already healed. "I tracked it back to here, and whatever is was they used wasn't normal. It connected me with someone's DNA. The Arrow called the game plan and everyone went to work.

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