In Flagrante Delicto Almost

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I was in the middle of my worst nightmare, yet a part of me seemed to have stepped away from my body because I felt unnaturally calm, almost numb. I looked at Rick and the look on his face went to panic one moment, but then he seemed to gather himself together. Was this situation not unusual for him, but "déjà vu all over again" as Yogi Berra would say?

"Can I get out unseen through the live room or will she see me?" I was surprised to find words coming out of my mouth. I am in full panic mode, my heart is beating so hard that my chest hurts, and I'm getting close to being on the verge of tears.

"Hey, calm down," he says, "Yes, I think so, we'll get you out of here without her seeing you, don't worry." He sees I'm upset and he's trying to soothe me. He puts his arm around my waist and starts leading me to the door that led to the beach. "Eric can give Gina a ride home."

That won't do at all. "Just a minute. You need to get Gina so she can ride home with me."

"What's wrong with Eric driving her?"

"He's half-drunk, that's why. He's his usually charming self but I wouldn't trust him behind the wheel, especially with my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." He's giving me his puckish smile and in spite of how I'm feeling I smile back.

"You're my second best friend. I like Eric but I don't like the way he drinks. Gina's better off coming home with me. It's safer, anyway." I'm going to need someone to talk to, I don't want to drive home alone.

We'd reached the cool sandy beach and I pulled off my shoes so I could feel the sand between my toes. "Will you get her and bring her to my car, please?"

"Sure," he put his arms around my waist and kissed me, "I'm sorry about what happened, this caught me by surprise. She doesn't come to the studio that often, and I usually know when to expect her."

"Maybe she has her suspicions," I said darkly, "And she came to check on you. I can't imagine anyone not liking you but maybe someone talked. I was scared, I am scared, Rick. I've had nightmares about this."

"Don't be silly," he said, "I don't think anyone will say anything to her but I don't blame you for being scared." He kissed me then headed back into the studio to fetch Gina.

I went to my car and unlocked the doors. I've never been a smoker, but right now I'd love a drink and a cigarette. Fortunately, Rick returned shortly with Eric and Gina. Eric had his arm around Gina's shoulders and a happy smile on his face. He murmured something in her ear then went back to the studio, and Rick came to me and took me in his arms.

The tension melted away at his touch. I didn't know where we'd go from here, but being in his arms reassured me, just like always.

"Drive careful," he said then turned and caught up with Eric.

Gina got into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. "Well, I didn't expect this kind of excitement, I was just looking to seduce Eric Clapton. I gave him my number, wonder if he'll call?"

This was said so nonchalantly that it made me laugh. "Do you want him to call?"

"Well, don't you think he'd want to call?" she said innocently.

I burst into laughter. I knew exactly what she was doing—trying to laugh the tension out of me, which was exactly what I needed. The last thing I had wanted—ever—was a run-in with Rick's girlfriend. Now that it happened I had survived.

"You know, he acted kind of strange, like he had contingency plans for this sort of thing. Me, I was in a panic but trying to keep my cool, because hysterics wasn't going to solve anything. I thought he'd be like me, a little, well, panicky. He wasn't happy about it but I expected him to be more upset."

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