Apples and Oranges

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A/N new chapterrrrr :) MAJOR writers block sorry its so short.





"Well this cant possibly get more complicated." i laughed to myself as i pulled an apple off of the tree i was walking past.

"yeah i know, choosing weather to pick an apple or an orange can drive you crazy." said a voice from my left, i turn to look who it is and see Marc sitting there on a bench next to the coy pond. he starts walking towards me. "you see though, together they taste terrible, you have to pick one or the other. the orange can be exciting and sometimes sour but it is mostly water and will just leave you wishing you had something else to eat.

"The apple on the other hand is sweet, dependable, it has a bit of a crunchy skin but that just adds to the flavor." he said picking an apple and tossing it up and catching it again as he spoke. "I would hate for you to miss out on something as satisfying as an apple" he said biting it a few inches from my face.

i shuddered as he walked away. wow. that was pretty smart actually. i feel like theres no way this is happening. I have never had to choose between guys in my life. probably because there was never more than one guy interested in me at one time.

i breathe out deeply and try to focus. WOW THANKS FOR MAKING MY HEAD SPIN. so deciding today is a bad idea. im going to go hang out with my little brother.




A/N thanks for reading! i hope i can update again soon ! love you all Muah xx <3

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