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When Sam was two years old Jack and I finally decided to bring Sammy with to a single day at a con Jack and Mark was invited to. Since Mark and Jack were filming together at the con beforehand so Amy and hung back at the hotel with Sam. I had a little surprise for Jack that I would be doing when we arrived.

Amy watched Sam for me as I gathered everything for the diaper (well more like pull up and emergency) bag, which was actually a backpack. Once the bag was packed I secured Sam's noise canceling earmuffs on the little one's head. Amy carried the bag for me as I carried Sam to where we were meeting Mark and Jack. The two guys were due to start their signing soon and we were going to wait for them so we could go for lunch and I could gauge how well Sammy handles the con.

As soon as we entered the con signing room there was a line waiting for us. Amy and myself waved at fans as we made our way by them towards the front. When we were about 10 people away from the front Sam caught sight of Jack and instantly called out, "Daah!" Jack turned towards us with a huge grin on his face as he animatedly waved to our child in my arms. Sam struggled in my arms so I placed the little tike on the floor. Watching for Jack to get in front of us before letting Sam go to run towards the grinning Irishman. Jack swooped up the little one and made sure the earmuffs were still in place to block out the chatter and noise.

From over Jack's shoulder I could see Mark, who was in on my surprise, pointing at his stomach while looking at Sam. Sam then mimicked their uncle in pointing to his stomach. Jack being confused looked down at the child to see what Sam was doing. There on the shirt printed in black was 'big sister/brother'. Jack quickly passed Sam back to Mark who gladly took his godchild. Once Sam was safely in Mark's arms Jack ran over to me. My feet very briefly lifted from the floor as I was wrapped up in Jack's warm embrace. His lips touched mine for a moment before he pulled back and jumped around in excitement. "I'm going to be a dad again!"  The room erupted in applause and cheered at the news. Seeing everyone around them clapping a smiling Sam began to clap as well. Amy thankfully captured the whole thing on her phone for us to share later that day. Jack's face by the end of the day hurt from smiling but he was so happy that his family was growing.

As for Sammy's first con, it was amazing! Sam wasn't fussy and the fans were very polite when interacting. It went so well that we even came back the next day and let little Sam on stage with his earmuffs on for both Mark and Jack's panels. Sam even said 'hi' to both of the crowds which amazed me and Jack since Sam was usually a bit shy around new people. Over all though it was a very positive experience.

After the con I resumed the vlog channel and it allowed Jack and I to talk to other parents and share my, and Jack's, learning experience as a parent with a two year old, who was very prone to pulling cords and trying to eat everything their daddy did. I also was able to share my second pregnancy progress and eventually welcoming our newest member of the family.

Big thank you for everyone who has read my Jacksepticeye story duo.
Unfortunately this is the end of our journey together but it's not forever!
I plan on starting another story as soon as I find out what readers would like to see next.
Personally I have been into fandoms such as Riverdale, Harry Potter, Twilight, and Stranger Things outside of YouTube that I may write in.
If you want to see a certain story please let me know!
Until then little doves!

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