(23) Not Enough Sleep

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Authors Note: This might be short. It's a bit of a filler chapter.

Since bringing Sam home things have been a bit rough between Jack and I but only because we don't see each other much. Jack recorded whenever he could which was usually all day when Sam wasn't asleep. I had stopped posting youtube videos so I could focus my time on Sam. Mark visited a week after we brought Sam home. My mom of course was with him. They spent time with us and Sam while they visited. Mark took many pictures and videos to share with everyone back in the US but Jack and I requested one specific thing.

We did not want Sam too exposed to the internet at least not until we, as parents, were ready. Mark and mom respected our choice and didn't post. Jack and I posted teaser pictures on instagram in our stories such as baby shoes, bottles, Sam's little feet but nothing we didn't feel comfortable with the public knowing.

It wasn't till Sam was a month old before Jack's parents were able to visit us in Brighton. Like Mark and my mom, Jack's parents agreed not to share pictures online until we were ready. While visiting Jack's parents watched Sam for a night so Jack and I could "go on a date". In reality Jack and I went to a nearby hotel and just slept. We never seem to get enough sleep lately. Sam wasn't a good sleeper. The baby would wake up every two or three hours during the night and only napped for an hour at the time during the day. Most the time Sam would just watch me or Jack. Jack enjoyed sitting with Sam in his lap as he played Zelda again. There were even times at night where Jack would care for Sam so I could sleep where I would find Jack asleep in the rocking chair with little Sam fast asleep on his chest safely in Jack's arms.

Between finishing the last of the wedding plans, caring for a young child, house chores, Jack's videos, and meetings there was not enough sleep for us. Amongst all of the lack of sleep and business Jack was invited to do another panel at Pax with me as a guest. We figured out some timing and we could be able to go. By the time of the Pax all wedding plans would be done since the wedding would be a month after Pax. Sam would be three months old and safe for travel. The only thing left to decide is if we were ready to introduce Sam to everyone. After many conversations Jack and I agreed that we are not ready for that so Jack would be going to Pax alone to do the panel. While emailing a response to the Pax panel I made sure to add that in a future Pax I would join but at the moment it was not an appropriate time due to the attention a small child needed at the time.

When the time came Jack was off to Pax on his own and I spent time with Sam and focused myself on the wedding that was only a month away. In one month I would be married to the Irishman who stole my heart.

Authors Note: As I said short. But it is a filler. I did kinda do some mathish like stuff to get timing. So I figure in an imaginary time frame which in my head goes like this;

-(Y/N) got pregnant in August

-Sam was born in May

-The Pax Jack is going to in this happens in August

- The wedding is going to be in September

Now here is a question and a teaser for you ohana. In the next chapter I will be writing the wedding. The the following chapter will include the first time viewers see a picture of Sam from the wedding and the first time he is shown publicly. Besides the picture from the wedding should Sam been introduced in a video or should it be at a convention??

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now