(6) Rehearsal Dinner

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Hey guys and gals and lovely doves! I am back! I again am so sorry that I have not updated. I want to thank all of you for how nice you have been. I have this mini bonus chapter here but I will do my best to get back on my normal Saturday update schedule starting this weekend! I am so excited to be back. I have been catching up on all the comments that I have been getting and I can't wait to keep going with the story. So with out more chit chat from me here is the mini chapter it might be a tad bit confusing and I apologize its mainly just a filler. 

Have a great day and enjoy!

The time was here. Molly and Wade were going to be married soon. I had prepared for a month to be able to have a week off to go help Molly. I flew out and I stayed at their house while I was there. I helped double check things and I made sure everything was in order. Everyone was starting to arrive from the wedding party just in time for the rehearsal. My brother and Amy arrived first. Tyler and Ethan would be coming to town later closer to the wedding which is still a few days away. Molly's sister and Bob and Mandy arrived around the same time and soon enough the whole wedding party was here.

We all went to the wedding venue where we were meeting with the planner. We were going to be paired into couples for the precession. WellI guess everyone seen this coming but I was matched up with Jack. It was pretty nice though. We went through the wedding rehearsal, which was filled with innuendos and random jokes about anything and everything. After the wedding rehearsal we all met up for dinner. Seated around one large table we talked about the wedding. Molly told the bridesmaids about our spa day to get our nails done as well as when we were all going to get our hair done.

After we all ordered and waited for our food I turned towards the green haired man seated across from me with his normal smile. He must have realized I was looking at him because he turned his head to look over at me. His eyes glistening in the warm lights of the restaurant. I smile softly and lean over the table a bit so I didn't have to talk to loud for him to hear me. "Where's Signe?" I asked curiously.

"She's coming later she couldn't make it this early." Jack shrugged like he didn't really know or maybe he didn't really care? I nod and sit back and take my eyes off Jack as I hear my brother tap the side of his glass and stand up to make a toast. "Ey, those are for the reception!" Jack called over to Mark who gave him a look and went on to give a small speech to congratulate Molly and Wade. As he finished our food came and we all quieted down to the point it was nearly silent amongst us as we all ate.

We agreed as a group not to get any dessert and headed back to Wade and Molly's. When we arrived we seperated by gender and went to do different things. Wade took the guys down to the basement where her had a tv and some game consoles. The girls stayed upstairs to watch a movie and play Jackbox games. We all grabbed something to drink and sat together with 27 Dresses on in the background as we started to talk.We talked a bit about how our hair would be done. Amy maid a joke about hair and we laughed but as soon as everyone stopped laughing they, in sync, turned to face me. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked nervously looking at all of them.

"Oh not at all but I'm guessing you don't know yet." Amy smiled with a knowing glint in her eyes. I looked at all the girls confused. "What do you mean? What don't I know?" All of the girls laughs softly. Molly leans over towards me. "Sean and Signe broke up again." I gasped in shock as I looked at all of them. Amy nods began to explain, "Signe could tell he still has feelings for you. So she ended it to try giving you two the chance to get back together. After all you're going to be in Brighton the same time Jack moves there." I still looked at them in disbelief. After a few moments of waiting I looked at them and asked with a straight face. "Are you guys trying to set us back up?" Molly smiles and shrugs. "I may or may not have told the wedding planner that you two had crushes on each other and she decided to pair you two up." I looked at Molly shocked, "Does Wade know?" Amy and Mandy nodded. "It was Wade's idea." Molly admitted.

On instinct I got up and went downstairs. They guys were all sitting around the tv playing Mario Kart. I go over to Wade and poke his cheek repeatedly until the race ended and he looked over at me. "What's up (Y/N)?" He asked. "You are busted good sir. I am onto you." I narrowed my eyes at him and talked in a low voice. Mark, who was sitting next to Wade, started to chuckle. "Mark were you in on this scheme too?" I asked him which caused him to stop laughing right away. "Alright that's it. All of you but Sean are busted." I stood up watching all the guys. Sean looked at me confused and I just smiled at him and left to go back upstairs.

The girls and I watched the rest of the movie and played a few Jackbox games before the guys came up. We all enjoyed a movie together before heading off to get some sleep. As I laid down I couldn't help but think about Sean and how everyone seems to want us back together. Would I date him again? In a heartbeat. He's my boss.

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