(8) Brighton

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Hey guys sorry this is a bit like super short but I hop you enjoy it!

 After the wedding I traveled home to LA for a bit. My amazing brother let me use his recording setup as I started to mail some of my things to Brighton to prepare for my trip so all I needed to take on the plane was clothes. Marzia and/or Felix and I talked daily the last two weeks before I was to fly out. Mark, being the same protective brother as always, demanded that Felix himself be the one to pick me up from the airport and he be the one to take me. Which was okay till he asked Felix to video call him picking me up then Felix stopped him and reassured that I would be okay and that he would take care of me.

The day before my flight I couldn't really sleep my thoughts were on a certain Irishman. He was moving to Brighton two weeks after the day I arrive. Felix and I have agreed that we were going to go help Jack move in. Jack and I were back to our flirty selves in a few recordings and even in out twitter replies and personal emails back and forth.

When the day came to finally fly to Brighton Mark woke me up bright and early. Amy surprisingly came with us to the airport. She reassured me that if I ever needed anything that I should call her. She really was so amazing and calming. I bid them goodbye with a hug before going through the airport security and such. Settling into my seat I texted Mark and Felix before turning my phone onto airplane mode and pulling out my laptop to edit some videos during the flight. Besides that I also napped part of the flight.

The plane landed and I got off and went through the motions until I spotted Marzia and Felix hiding in a corner of the airport waiting. I ran over to them and gave them large hugs. Felix laughs and hugs me back. Marzia pulled out her phone and took a picture for instagram. The three of us left to their house. Felix showed me to the guest room which he also set up to by my recording area while I stay there. I put my bags down, called Mark to tell him I was there safely. Felix had some work to do so Marzia took me out for a little bit of shopping. I bought myself a nice new dress that was something between casual and fancy. Marzia bought me this really cute set of earrings with a matching necklace. I also picked up a new phone case. We picked up some drinks and food before going to meet up with Felix. After dinner we sat around watching some tv and just relax. At least as much relaxing I can do with Felix teasing me with how Jack and I were acting towards each other. Though deep down I liked the playful teasing he was doing. It made me so happy to be here. Things are going to be amazing here.

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