(18) Now or Never

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POV Mark

My sister and I have been on the phone for the last hour talking about the baby which they were calling Sam. What she didn't know is what was happening in just a few days with the help of a few fellow guys who have the same thought as I do. I said something once and I plan to hold up to that. That is why in just a few days I before I go back on the Your Welcome Tour I'm flying out to Brighton to meet up with Malcolm Mcloughlin to handle something.

**Mini time skip because author started the chapter off weird and didn't want to change it because effort also ps the whole chapter is going to be in Mark's pov**

Felix being a wonderful friend hosted my little meet up with Malcolm. We also got Marzia to get my little sister out of the house for a bit so we didn't scare her. Malcolm and I quickly went over what we were going to do before we left to get dear ol' Jackaboy. We knocked a few times before Jack opened the door. He seemed to freeze as he took in the sight of Malcolm and I standing in the doorway, our arms crossed.

"Am I in trouble?" Jack asked in a rather soft voice for him. Malcolm chuckles and shakes his head. "Get your wallet." Was all the older man said to his brother. Jack was confused but listened to his brother. With his wallet in his pocket I walked in grabbed Jack by the shoulder and lead him out of the house making sure the door is locked behind us. We got into the car Felix was lending us and Malcolm drove. The car ride was silent.

When the car stopped the three of us got out. Malcolm stood on one side of Jack and I was on the other. We were standing in front of the best rated jewelry stores in Brighton. I heard Jack audibly gulp as he finally realized what was going on. To be safe I decided to say it aloud, "We are not leaving this store until you find an engagement ring for my sister." We stepped inside and and Malcolm continued. "I would have thought you would be engaged by now but since you aren't I guess we'll just have to make sure you do."

Jack looked around not knowing the first think about or look at. So it was nice that a worker came over to help us. He showed us over to some engagement rings. Malcolm was helping him look and so we didn't crowd up the counter I looked at the rest of the shop, which was helpful since before we left I bought a necklace for Amy. Malcolm and I exchanged spots after a few minutes. I helped Jack pick which one I think (Y/N) would like most and I also helped make sure he bought the right size by having an old ring that (Y/N) lost back in LA that I found recently. After our purchases we left heading back to the house. Thankfully Marzia still had my sister busy which gave us just enough time to help Jack plan a way to propose. With that decided Malcolm left back for his hotel room since he had an early flight. I left back to Felix's so my sister didn't know I was meddling but I wasn't going to let my sister have a child without being engaged. It may not married but it's the next best thing. After all it was now or never for him.

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