(16) Pax

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So I wanted to quickly give credit to the artist who drew the human Septic Sam picture above, Vic. She is a good friend of mine and she is very inspiring to me so I wanted to include one of her drawings. You can see more of her art on her Deviant Art: assassinvicz.deviantart.com

Now onto the chapter!

The fourteen hour flight seemed to last forever but it would probably be the last time I could fly for a while. Mom and Tom were excited when I called last night to tell them the news. Mom wants me to visit after Pax which Jack agreed to. Jack kept me close and was very protective as he expressed his worry and fear of another miscarriage but my last appointment was excellent and calmed his nerves.

Mark and his crew (aka Teamiplier) were waiting for us at the airport when we arrived. The seven of us divided into two taxes to head to the hotel. At the hotel we met up with Bob, Mandy, Wade and Molly. Going to our room we unpacked a bit till Jack reminded me of the dinner. Together we went to meet the others for food. Jack and I were a bit late as we took our seats on the end. Most of the meal went on with casual conversation as we caught up with how each other are and what people have been doing. When it was about time for dessert when I caught a look on Mark's face and knew he was about to say something.

"Sean you seem more affectionate to my little sister? I haven't seen you let go of her hand and you have been showing a lot of PDA all day. What's going on you two?" Mark asked as he leaned forward onto the table. Jack smiles and looked at me before clearing his throat as he gets everyone's attention. I blushed and looked right at my older brother. "Well we have some news," I started as I seen Amy smiled out of the corner of my eye getting the feeling that she knows already. Jack nods and continues, "We are going to be getting a bit busier soon because well-" I felt a sudden jolt of excitement and cut him off. "We're pregnant!" The table cheered and Mark kinda looked like he might cry. Molly, who was on the other end of the table, came over and hugged me. Kathryn and Amy came to hug me as well. We enjoyed our dessert before heading back to the hotel. We talked about how we are already setting up the nursery and I mentioned how far along I am already. The night was over all really amazing and fun.

The next day we attended Mark's panel and following that we all had a signing. Jack reluctantly left me with Molly and Amy as he left to go do something. I walked the floors with the girls till I ran into Robin. I left the girls and walked with Robin so I could talk to him. I was working with him on as surprise part of the video for the beginning of Jack's panel that not even Jack knows about. He told me how he added it in and I grinned happily excited to see everyone's reaction when they see it.

**Mini time skip till Jack's Panel because nothing important happens till then and Author doesn't want to waste time writing it.**

Jack's panel was about to start and I took my seat next to Robin as the other seats filled with our friends before the fans came in to get a seat. As the panel started the lights dimmed at the projector started up with the video which was a montage of videos Jack has made since last pax including bloopers and a few clips from my vlogs. As the video was suppose to end it went black and Jack started to come out on stage as he planned but the sound of a lullaby started quietly but grew louder as the screen blurred into picture. There was a little animated Sam holding a baby bottle followed by the due date of when we should be expecting our little one. At this sight the fans went wild cheering and clapping.

Jack confused looked at the screen than over at Robin and me. I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. Jack shook his head and smiled. "I had no clue about that end bit, but it is true. I am going to be a daddy!" Jack chuckled and nearly squealed as he talked into the microphone. He talked about the nursery and he mentioned how we didn't mention anything till now because we lost the first child and the room seemed to change at that which made me reach for Robin's hand since Jack wasn't near. Though Jack must have seen it because he quickly transitioned to something happier and brought the audience back to life. The usual Q & A happened and many questions happened to be about the baby or me. Jack had admitted that we are not engaged yet and we had not picked out a name nor did we know the gender but we were going for as gender neutral as we can.

Alot of it made me wonder about the possibilities. Jack and I had talked about engagement and we agreed that we didn't want to rush just because we were expecting but we did agree that we would get married soon. As for the baby well we didn't even know if it was one baby or two but Jack mentioned he thinks it's a boy but he wants a little girl so she can be pretty like her mama. We wouldn't know for sure till we get back to Brighton. Jack kept smiling at me from stage and I smiled back at him. Things were about to get interesting. I had to excuse myself a few minutes early from Jack's panel as I began to feel nauseous. Amy, who was on the end of the row behind me and Robin, got up and walked with me. She made sure I got water and even went to find me something to snack on from a vending machine. Then we went backstage to wait for Jack who came off stage, set the mic down and hugged me. I could tell he was worried so I hugged him tightly and reassured him that it was just hunger. Jack nods and finishes up. Amy went to get the others so we could go get something to eat. Jack wraps his arm around me and kissed my cheek as we walked out to meet the others who were waiting for us smiles on everyone's faces.

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