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Alright, guys, this is it. Just know I cried while writing this because this story and the readers and the comments and everything have seriously meant so much to me, and I will miss it, but I hope that I can end it in a way that you all like and that it wraps everything up nicely. I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you imagined, but this is my happy ending.  There is not going to be any sequel to this because I never intended for it to become boring to read, and I feel like a sequel could never do it justice. I do have an idea for another book in mind, and I am working on getting it started, so if you want some sort of announcement for when that book gets going, let me know in the comments, and I will be sure to make one. If you are just here for this specific story, that's cool too and I will leave it as is without any additional announcements. Just let me know what you guys want, and I will do my best to make it happen.

Again, thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. You all made a massive dream of mine come true, and you will never know how much it means to me. Without further ado, please enjoy the ending of Finding You.

(Third Person POV)

It's a sunny day in April on the giant pavilion in the local park. The pavilion is decorated with white and pink roses and geraniums, and spray painted gold fern leaves. White, wooden benches are lined up in rows on either side of an aisle going down the center of the pavilion to make elegant pews. The benches on either side are connected by big, pink and gold ribbons, and white flower garlands. At the far end of the pavilion, a white, wooden arch is stood and decorated to match the aisle. The trees throughout the rest of the park are in beautiful bright pink bloom which makes it seem like the whole world was set up for today.  It's beautiful, and the energy buzzing from the people filling the pews makes it even more so. It's special. Today two families are becoming one. Two families that are already so close they consider each other family. Anyone in the park could feel the emotions pulsing out of the pavilion, as the families mingle together.

Logan and Patton Seach are fussing over their, now eight-year-old, daughter's dress trying to make everything perfect before the ceremony starts. Virgil Knox and his parents are sitting and talking to his in-laws, who got over the fact that he isn't exactly who they imagined for their son a long time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ambers are desperately trying to console Nancy Seach who is already crying. Pranks Seach is socializing with the guests and trying to hide how shaky he is from the nervousness and excitement coursing through him. Roman Knox isn't at the pavilion. He's at his sister's house trying to keep tears and a baby boy from ruining the bride-to-be's makeup.

"Missy, give me Remy before he throws up on your dress," Roman stresses while attempting to pull his nephew away from Missy.

"Nooooooo," Missy whines and pulls her son back to her and holds him to her chest, "It's not like he can't ruin your suit too," she points out.

"Yes, but you're the bride and your dresssss," Roman argues and rubs his eyes with frustration, "This is why I told you to let Nancy or Mom take him."

"Roman, he's my therapy and I need him," Missy shifts her gaze from her brother and looks at her son who is nearly asleep, "Besides, I was a mother before I was ever supposed to be a bride."

Roman sighed.  He remembers that day.  The day that Missy gave birth to Remy and the day that Pranks proposed.  Missy was exhausted and both of them were crying.  They had been together for almost five years when she found out she was pregnant.  Nancy was supportive, but very clear that it was time to pull their shit together and that they had to be good parents.  Linda and Max wanted them to get married, but Missy was avid in that she didn't want to be someone who got married just because they were pregnant.  Missy's never liked marriage in the first place.  To her it was just getting the government involved in something personal, but when Remy was born, Pranks threw that idea out the window.  He tells the story as when he saw Missy holding their son, he was 100% certain that he was looking at his family and he didn't care if the government got involved.  The universe told them they weren't soulmates, but Pranks saw having the label of Husband and Wife as the closest way to tell the universe to fuck off.  He proposed right there.  1:00 a.m., no ring, they were both tired, both a mess, and both happier than they'd ever imagined for themselves.  Missy said yes, and a new wave of tears washed over the couple.  The baby took Pranks's name as Remus(Remy) Patrick Seach.  It wasn't the proposal Pranks had always imagined, but he was happy he did it. Now, eight months later, they're less than an hour away from 'I do.'

Finding You (A Logicality and Prinxiety  Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now