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(Virgil's POV)

"Logan? LOGAN I NEED YOU TO COME HOME RIGHT NOW!"  I was panicking.  I managed to meet my soulmate and not only run away from him, but crash into the person next to me on the way out.  "I know you're at work, but we have a problem!"  My roommate Logan was working his second job at the local library.  

"Virgil, it's a Saturday, this is the only day that we get good business.  Whatever it is surely it can wait until I get home," Logan spoke over the phone, I was shaking my head vigorously, despite him not being able to see me. 

"No, Logan it can't wait!  Please.  I don't know what to do."  I was crying now, I needed him.  He knew what to do in most situations, he's not the best with emotions, but he had to be better than me!  The more I thought about it, the worse it seemed.  The lights began to seem too bright, I couldn't breathe.  Not again.  "Virgil, are you alright?"

"N-no," I stammered.

"Alright, I'm on my way home, Zach is coming in early to take my shift.  Just remember your breathing.  In for four, hold seven, breathe out eight. Ok?"  I nodded to myself, but couldn't get any words out. "I'll be there in approximately four minutes," I whimpered a bit and hung up.  

I followed his instructions, or more accurately, tried to.  I really did, but I couldn't manage to hold my breath in, it was just turned into long gasps.  The minutes seemed to go on forever, but eventually I heard the keys clicking in the door and it opening.

"Virgil, where are you?"

"I-in here, I-i'm in he-here," I got out, barely above a whisper, but he must have heard me because he soon came into the living room and saw me sitting on the floor next to the couch.

"Alright, what happened?"  He knelt next to me, concern lacing his eyes.  I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just let my knees down from my chest, revealing the glowing, pink gem I wore.  "O-oh," he let out a breath and I brought my knees back up to my chest.  "What happened?  I didn't even think you planned on leaving your room today,"

"I didn't, but we needed coffee!" I whined.

"Ok, can you tell me exactly what happened."

I did.  I told him exactly how the day went.  From my internal debate about going out to crashing into a stranger as I ran to coming home and crying.

"Ok, we can work with this.  If it just occurred than it is more than likely that he is still working at the store.  Did you catch his name?" Logan asked, now pacing the floor in front of me.  I shook my head, he blew out a breath and ran his hand through his hair.  "Ok, it will just take a bit longer to find him, and odds are he's looking for you as well."  He offered his hand to help me up, which I took.  He grabbed his coat and we walked to his car.

We got to the store and he got out of the car, but I hesitated.  I sat in the car, imagining how disappointed my soulmate will be when he realizes it's me he's stuck with.  I wouldn't want to be stuck with me.  Who would?  I was a mess, I had a low-income job at the craft store, I was extremely difficult to get along with, and then you have all the baggage of the anxiety attacks and depression periods.  I felt tears collecting in my eyes again as Logan opened the door on my side of the car.

"Are you coming?"

"I don't think I can do this Logan.  He'd be much happier without me.  I don't know how you manage to tolerate me and we've only known each other a year.  Who'd last a lifetime with me?" I looked up at my roommate, who looked extremely confused.  "What?"  He opened his mouth to talk, shut it, then opened it again.

"It's just... isn't the point of soulmates to find someone you is able to not only spend a lifetime with you, but love or at lease enjoy that lifetime?" He looked at me, still looking confused.

Finding You (A Logicality and Prinxiety  Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now