We Ship It (Part Two)

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Before we begin, I am sooooo sorry that this took so long, I seriously have no excuse except for that I'm lazy and nothing seemed to inspire me to write.  Which is the dumbest excuse because I really do love this story and that alone should be inspiration enough.  

Part two of before we begin:  just to clarify, this chapter starts on the morning of the fair day.  So it will not be taking place after the last two chapters, but at the same time.  If this doesn't make sense to you, I hope you are able to put it together by the writing.  Let's get into it!

(Virgil's POV)

Logan woke me up this morning.  I don't necessarily remember him coming into my room, but suddenly I was awake on a Saturday with no person or thing to blame except my roommate.  I covered my head with my dark purple pillow, and was tempted to go back to sleep, but the smell of brewing coffee drifted into my room and pulled me out of bed.

I walked into the kitchen in a pair of black joggers and my black hoodie.  I glanced at Logan who was reading some book.  He muttered a greeting at me and I squinted at him a bit.

"Why am I awake again?"  I ask groggily, wishing I was still in the sanctuary of my blankets.  I heard Logan sigh as I prepare my coffee.

"Because you and Roman are coming to the festival with Patton and I today,"  He looked at me leaning  back in his chair.  I squinted at him again, trying to force the sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah, but... why???"  I asked whining a little.

"Because he is your soulmate and it is a good opportunity for you to get to know each other, " Logan tried to explain, but I still did not see the point of getting up on a Saturday, "As preposterous as soul mates are, you are stuck with him for the rest of your life, so the more positive associations you make with him, the easier it will be to come to terms with it."  Logan finished.

I raked my hands through my hair and buried my head in my arms on the table.  I mumbled my response through my sleeves.  "So me and Roman are crashing you and Patton's date to get to know each other even though we're soulmates and we are destined to enjoy each others' company?"  I raised an eyebrow as I looked for Logan's reaction.  He groaned and rolled his eyes.  I smirked at my victory of irritating him.  I've been teasing him about Patton being his boyfriend for a while now.  It's mostly for entertainment, but I do kinda ship it.

"Roman and I, not me and Roman," he corrected my grammatical error before continuing, "and it's not a date.  You know that I feel that dating is pointless when all that matters is one person.  Patton is simply joining me at an event which he already planned on going to, and helping me find that person I'm actually supposed to spend my time with."  

"Sure pal, sure,"  I laughed a bit, Logan frowned, I started counting factors on my fingers of how the are such a couple "meet a guy, he invites you to an event, spends the entire week with you after he gets off work, has his own spot behind your desk, and you dress up for him,"  I pause just to mess with him, "for your date."  He just looked at me like I had grown a pair of horns.

"I'm not dressed up,"  he said blankly.

OK kids.  This is something you need to know about Logan.  He always dresses formal when going anywhere.  See, he never goes anywhere that you wouldn't dress nicely for.  The guy only goes to meusems and stuff.  He doesn't know what fun is.  If someone told me that he was wearing jeans I would laugh in their face.  But here before my very eyes is Logan Seach (Idk where I got that last name from lol...) wearing blue jeans and a grey button up with NO TIE.  I REPEAT.  HE IS NOT WEARING A TIE.

Finding You (A Logicality and Prinxiety  Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now