Day at the Fair (Part Two)

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Another quick clarification, this is the fair day told from Roman and Virgil's' perspective.
It's also full of sappy, cringe romance so brace yourselves.
And a massive THANK YOU from me because oh my lord you guys are AWESOME!   I am super self critical so seeing that you guys are actually liking what I love to do really means a lot to some one with little to no self confidence... it makes my day to read any comments about the story so thank you!

(Roman's POV)

I sat on Logan and Virgil's couch in their apartment while I waited for Virgil to get ready.  I was surprisingly nervous for today.  It wasn't Virgil and I's first date or anything, but we hadn't actually spent a whole day together since the day we first found out we were soul mates and that had gone awfully.  Well, not awful but he barely said anything and I was just awkwardly trying to start conversation. 

I watched my leg bounce as I contemplated if I made the right choice in going full cliche sappy romantic with Virgil.  He was really cute with freckles and I did want today to go well, but I don't exactly know if that's what he wanted to hear.  From the short time that I've known him, none of my romantic gestures seemed to be working.  He barely talks during dinners.  He doesn't seem to like any movies.  And I'm pretty sure he's allergic to flowers so that's out too.  The only time I can seem to get to know him at all is when he texts me at 2:00 in the morning when he can't sleep.  I'm fine with staying up despite it showing the next day, but I wish he would open up to me in person too.

I was so lost I  thought that I didn't even notice Virgil walk into the living room.  He cleared his throat to snap me out of them.  I looked at my soulmate to see him wearing blue jeans and a purple t-shirt with an open zip up MCR hoodie.  It barely took me a second to see that he wasn't wearing any makeup.  I felt a smile tug on my lips and noticed a light pink dusting Virgil's cheeks.    He looked down and tried to hide his face with his bangs.

"Don't look at me like that."  Virgil mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.  

"Like what?"  I asked, my smile growing, and tilted my head to the side.  But his response wiped any trace of a smile off my face.

"Like I'm worth something." He said bluntly.  I blinked as I tried to pull something to say together.

"Why would you think you're not worth anything?"  I asked, trying to be gentle and not push him farther away.

"Because I'm not.  I don't know what I'm doing with my life and I'm too scared to try and figure it out.  I'm the emo who never grew up and still calls their roommate at work when they have panic attacks.  I don't contribute anything to anyone.  If anything I'm a burden.  I'm... worthless.  Always have been..."  Virgil looked down and I noticed my soul  gem turn dark red.

"Bullshit."   I stated.  Virgil's head snapped up and he looked at me in confusion. 


"I said bullshit.  Just because you don't know exactly what you want to do in the future doesn't make you dumb.  Just because you wear makeup and like to dress in all black doesn't make you worthless.  Just because you have anxiety and sometimes you need help.."  I stood up and put my hands on his shoulders, "that doesn't make you a burden Virgil."  He met my eyes before turning away and started walking towards the door.  "

I felt my heart flying in my chest.  I was making so many risky moves today and I do not know how much of it I can take.  First showing up at his apartment with out him knowing (in my defense Logan set that up, I thought Virgil knew), then asking him to go out of his comfort zone, then I accidentally looked at him wrong and ended up in a deep conversation about self worth.  Normally I'm able to keep a confident persona, but trying to get through to this man is going to be the death of me.

Finding You (A Logicality and Prinxiety  Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now