Hunting the avatar

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It had been weeks since I first woke up. I was gaining some strength back in my arm. It wasn't like it normally was but it was getting better. Prince Zuko is in the room watching me and healing me every day, Iroh was there most days too, Bako would visit when he was allowed, never for very long but none the less it was always very comforting to see a face that I knew. Zuko had gotten me some clothes so that I wouldn't have to only live in my regular clothes. Granted they were fire nation clothes, but still. Iroh normally kept me company and a smile on my face. He in fact would tell me stories of Zuko childhood and stories of his own childhood. I never talked much but that's just how I was. I was more than happy to listen to them. Zuko didn't talk very often but when he was in a good mood he would his own embarrassing stories, other times he would just study everything. Iroh has me lifting a lightweight item straight up and it hurt I won't lie. But I didn't think that holding it straight out would hurt as much as it did. Zuko had walked in just in time to walk me curl up in pain and drop it.

"It's okay if you're not ready for that." Iroh said grabbing the item. I looked up at Zuko.

"Morning, sire." I said. He nodded at me. He never said much just stared at the wall as if he was staring off into to space but I knew that he wasn't he just didn't want to look like he was studying us. Iroh had me doing a could exercises. He scooted the bed away from the wall and had me use only my bad arm to push it back. I could but it hurt. When he saw that I could do that, he was explaining what to do next as I was gently massaging around the wound. He wanted me to do a handstand and hold it for three seconds, I took a deep breath and nodded. I successfully did a handstand but the second my legs got into the air , my arm collapsed and I rolled, at the exact time that the metal door was opened and slammed right into my head. It knocked me back down to the floor.

"Ow." I mumbled. I looked at who it was. It was Bako. I looked around the room, everyone was holding their breath trying not to laugh. "That was embarrassing." I whispered but it was so quiet everyone heard it. We all began laughing harder than we have yet. Zuko was the only one who managed to laugh harder than me by the time I had calmed down he had to lean on the wall to keep himself standing, a tear had managed to escape his eye, and he was clutching his side in pain. Soon we all calmed down and it went back to the exercises. He decided to change the exercises to a push up position. I was able to maintain it and even do a couple, but not many. Then he had me do a planking position, then he just had me stretch it out. Iroh was done for the day so he left, afterwards it was like usual, just me and Zuko in silence. I began to massage my shoulder, which was in immense pain.

"I can help." He muttered not looking at me.

"You don't have to." I shrugged.

"I know. But my heat will help untangle the knots in your muscles. Besides I'm going to need you to be able to bend within the week, there's a firenation ship approaching and I think two waterbenders could come in handy if they take us by surprise." He replied. I hesitantly nodded. He sat on edge of my bed. "Turn your back towards me." He said with a monotone voice. I did as he said. I moved me hair to the other side, and he placed his hands on my shoulders. They were extremely warm and when he first starting massaging my shoulder I tended in pain, but quickly relaxed. When he would massage the knot out it was an uncomfortable feeling but it was the payoff that made it worth it. "I can feel the tension in your entire body. My uncle is an expert tea maker. I'll have him bring you some tea for stress from now on." Once again his voice was monotone.

"You're going to trust me with a liquid? I didn't take you for the trusting type." I said.

"Well it's certainly not for you. Waterbending requires a body to be loose and calm, you can't if you're so tensed up." He replied. If there was any other reason besides self gain he was doing this for he was hiding it really well.

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