True North - Blondeanddangerous

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True North - Blondeanddangerous


#1 Romance & Gen Fic!  Emily is running from fame.  Once a worldwide singing sensation, she has spent the last five years hiding from her past in a tiny mountain town.

Enter North, the bearded man Emily almost runs over on a remote road.  Starving and exhausted, he has no memories and nowhere to go.  As North moves into Emily’s home, the gentle giant begins to give Emily back her sense of hope and direction.

With North’s past a mystery and Emily’s past a tragedy she’s desperately fighting to keep hidden, the odds are against them.  When Emily discovers who North truly is, will she accept his love, or run again?


What inspired you to write this book? 

I was inspired to write the book from the simple idea of seeing someone in need by the side of the road.  As a female, I'd feel incredibly vulnerable in stopping my car for a stranger, but as a human being, I know it's the right thing to do.  In the book, it changes the life of the main character, Emily.

What music (if any) did you listen to while writing this book? 

Every chapter of the book contains a song to listen to, all Australian artists.  I spent days with Chet Faker playing on a loop in my ears.

What advice would you give to an aspriring writer? 

I'm actually compiling a short how-to book of writing tips and basics, which I hope to post here soon.

Would you be open to people asking you to read their books?

I'm not currently taking reader requests - I'll never get any writing done if I try to read everything I'm asked to!


I really enjoyed this book, and when I say really enjoyed, I mean  I wouldn't put down my phone until I had finished this book. I got into trouble for reading this in class when I should have been doing work. It leaves you breathless after almost every chapter and North was just so sweet that wanted to take him home with me . Emily made me want to cry for her. I would recommend this book for anyone that likes action, romance and a little mystery. It is a fun book for all readers, but I must admit even though it is PG-13 it is sooo steamy, which I loved. You should check this book out, along with all the other books by this fabulous author. 

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