Author's Note

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Wow triple update? You bet. I had been meaning to get those two chapters out for ages, and I finally found a way to tell that part of the story and just had to get it out. I also did a double chapter update because I am heading into finals so I am not sure how often I will be able to update in the next month. I will definitely try, but I wanted to give you guys the moment of the story I know I had been waiting to share for a long time!

In addition,  I want to wish a happy birthday to the Anastasia movie! Seeing the stage version of this movie is what gave me the idea for this story, and it has been so fun to discover my own version of the Anastasia legend.

Here is one of my favorite parts of the movie! So terribly sad, but still so much suspense and beautiful animation! This definitely had a big inspiration to the prologue to my story.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately on or based on the real Anastasia Romanov and the Romanov family. Some books I recommend are The Romanov Sisters, The Last Days of the Romanovs, I Was Anastasia, and The Passion of Marie Romanov.

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