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For a long time we were really good friends but around the same time as Hopper destroyed our group, you left and found another. I don't actually know what changed you, but omfg did you turn into Hopper when you started to think you were so much better than us that you wouldn't even talk to me when there was someone "more popular" in the room to talk to. And even when you did talk to me, if I didn't know something that you knew, your response would always be the same: "Oh my god, you don't know what that is?" followed by that irritating eye roll. How did you become this person?

We were never that close, barely even friends; we mainly just talked to each other through the Encorah. While I won't forget the fact that you took care of me when I got hella sick on the music tour or that in music extension you were always happy to listen to my composition and give feedback, it hurt me when we stopped getting lunch together at QUT because you decided that I wasn't cool enough as some other people you wanted to hang out with.

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