Part 20 < Getting Invited to and Audition >

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Today I was in my own element but I was soon snapped out of it when a message from Reece came through and it said "meet me at the coffee shop in 2 minutes as I really need to talk to you" I then got ready to meet Reece when Blake then said "where you off too?" I then said "I am going out to meet up with Reece" then Blake's face dropped to the floor and I then said "what's wrong?" then Blake said "Reece isn't going to talk he is about to break your heart" I then said "wait is he breaking up with me?2 then Blake said "no, he is going to break your heart in  a good way" I the smiled and Blake told me to hurry up and meet up with Reece. 

I then turned up at the coffee shop and I saw Reece just sitting there so I walked over to him and he then looked at me and then said "hey babe I have a surprise for you" I then said "hey  babe and what is it?" then Reece said "well I cannot say but be ready for sunday" I then said "yeah I will be babe" I was confused but then Reece stood up and walked me back home and he was staying the night but him and Blake was acting weird and I didn't have a clue what was going on but I guess it is okay though. 

I then went upstairs into my bedroom and I started writing some songs and the boys then came into my room and said "this girl have skills" I then said "thanks but they are not going to be put out into the world until next year" and they pulled sad faces but I said "it isn't going to work on me" then they said "can we at least get a sneak peek" and I then said "fine" I then showed them the songs I was working on and they fell in love with them and they wanted me to realise the whole song but I told them no and they understood and I then sat down and I began writing a christmas song and the boys then were sat down stairs singing away and I thought they were amazing so I then recorded them and I put it on social media and then the video blew up with likes and then I realised they were singing a bit of my song and everyone was questioning me but I didn't reply back to them. 

I then decided to take a nice hot bath while the others where downstairs, I got into the bath and I listened to some music and I relaxed and I began singing my song then I realised then I stopped and sang another song which was a vamps song which I did a cover of and I also did a cover of permission by New Hope Club and then I started to sing more and then stopped as I was getting cold so I then got out of the bath and I then went into my bedroom and I noticed I had got an email while I was in the bath and it was from X Factor and they were inviting me for an audition I got so happy and I screamed and that's when Blake and Reece rushed up the stairs and they both asked me if I was okay and I told them I was fine then they said "well what were you screaming for then?" I then said "I have an audition for X Factor on Sunday in Newcastle" Reece and Blake also got happy and that's when they both said "we will take you" I then said "thank you" and they told me it was no bother and with that we went down stairs and we watched movies.

We were watching movies when it was getting late and we all decided to go to sleep, the boys went to sleep first while I stayed up a bit longer as I couldn't sleep as I'm too ecstatic and I was so happy, I then calmed down and I then decided to go up to bed, so I then went into my bedroom and I then put my nighttime playlist on and I instantly fell asleep.  

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