Part 12 < The party >

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Today George is having a party and I have been invited and my anxiety is kicking off as I haven't been to a party since my ex and I dated. I then began to get ready, I got into a nice hot bath and relaxed and all of the images off me and my ex creeped back into my mind and I then realised I was crying I then got out of the bath and I then got ready and I then walked into Blake's bedroom as I needed to tell him everything that I was feeling. I then told Blake how I felt he then hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay as he was going to be there, I then felt much better and I then went to do my makeup.

When we were both ready we then got into Blake's moms car and she drove us to George's house and once we arrived, me and Blake walked up to the door and Blake knocked and George then opened the door and let us inside, Blake then looked for Bailee and I then looked for Reece and when I found him I then ran over to him and hugged him and he gave me a drink and it had alcohol in it but I drank it anyways, I then left Reece as I had to use the bathroom and as I was making my way to the bathroom I saw my old ex boyfriend and he saw me and he started to follow me and the next thing I know everything went blurry and he then kissed me and left I then felt embarrassed so I then decided to leave the party and go home. 

As I was walking home I then saw a park and I decided to sit on the bench and cry but that's when I felt a hand touch my shoulder and they said "well what is a pretty girl like you doing out at this time" I then looked and I saw it was Reece and he then said "Lou I did not have an idea it was you, how come you're not at the party" I then said "my ex was there and all the memories came back so I left" Reece then said "I will let Blake know I found you as he was worried" I then smiled and Reece pulled me into the nicest most warmest hug ever. Me and Reece just sat on the bench talking until I realised I needed to head home.

Reece then decided to walk me home to make sure I got home safe, I then let him as I did not want anything to happen to me, Reece then got me home I then hugged him and thanked him and I then went inside. When I got inside Blake was sat on the sofa and when I walked behind him he then turned around and hugged me and he then said "want to watch a movie" I then said "yeah as I cannot say no to a movie with my favorite person" me and Blake then watched a movie. After the movie had finished me and Blake then decided it would be best to go to sleep as we had a long weekend ahead. 

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