part 7 < First Day of Tour >

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Today I was a woken by Blake knocking on my bedroom door telling me it was time to get up, so I got up and began to get ready, I then grabbed my suitcase and dragged it down the stairs until Blake chuckled and then rushed upstairs to help me, when we had finished we both got into the car and our parents drove us to the airport when we got there we were greeted by George and Reece and they both looked full of energy while I looked like I needed a few hours of sleep, our plane was in and we then boarded the plane and I sat near Blake as we are brother and sister while Reece and George sat near each other and Joe and Dean sat near each other.

We had been on the plane of an hour now and all the boys were asleep but me being me couldn't sleep so I decided to go on my phone and I love the app Tiktok as I love posting my singing on it and ever since I started it I noticed I had 19,993 followers and I got too happy and I woke Reece up and he said "Louise why do you have to be so noisy" I then said "my tiktok just hit 19,993 followers" then Reece said in a sarcastic tone "ooh congrats now keep it down I want to sleep" with that Reece went back to sleep. I then got bored so I decided to sleep, I rested my head on Blakes shoulder and I drifted off to sleep. 

We finally arrived in our first destination which was Los Angeles, I couldn't believe we were in one of the many places I wanted to travel too, we then walked to our hotel, we then arrived and I then had my own hotel room as the boys were sharing so I had my own hotel room but I was only next door to the boys and I got so happy, before it was time to go on stage we then had to walk to the arena so we could do our soundchecks.

We arrived at the arena in sunny LA and it was amazing the boys had to do their soundcheck first as the VIP people could watch them so I sat in the room backstage and they were sorting out how they were going to do my hair and make up and I got so excited that my dream was finally coming true. After the boys did their soundchecks it was my turn, I did my sound check then we had to wait until 7pm as that's when it was due to start.

After the show was over we then headed back to the hotel and we talked about how it went before we all ordered room service and then I went into my hotel room and I then got ready for bed and then I got into bed and I then went to sleep.

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