Chapter 13. The confession part 2

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"Okay then, what is it Y/N?" Hakuryuu says looking down at you with a soft smile. Your heart starts to beat as your face turns red, you kinda hoped he didn't hear you but he sadly did. You froze in place and started to mumble as you try to confess " I'm hopeless" you sigh as you hug your knees tightly feeling embarrassed.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I'm always happy to listen to anything you have to say Y/N" Hakuryuu shifts a little closer to you as he whispers to you quietly trying to help you calm down. Your mind was racing in fear you didn't know what to do, you were so scared to confess. You look up at Hakuryuu about to say that you needed to go but before you could you had a boost of confidence you don't know from where but you weren't complaining. It was finally time to tell Hakuryuu how you felt.

"I've been hiding something from you Hakuryuu..." you say softly as he gives you a look of slight confusion, he stays quiet so you can continue. "Hakuryuu...from the day you saved me..I knew that there was something about you, I didn't know what it was but I had a connection to you and I still do."
Before he could say anything else you cut him off "before you say what you need to say please let me finish" you felt the fear coming back to you but it was too late to back out now.

"W-what I'm trying to say is that I love you Hakuryuu...I love you with all my heart you mean the world to me..even if you don't feel the same way I'll always be here for you..and I hope You can do the same." You look up at Hakuryuu with a sincere smile but on the inside you were trembling in fear to hear his answer.

Hakuryuu's face was bright red was he blushing? Your kind look turned to one of fear as Hakuryuu started to talk. "Well...I um...oh just come here!" He says obviously embarrassed as he pulls you into a long passionate kiss...he loved you too.

You eyes widen in shock as Hakuryuu kisses you but you slowly return the kiss closing your eyes. After a few more moments of being in each other's embrace Hakuryuu slowly pulls away from the kiss with a big smile. "I love you too Y/N...I have for awhile now. Our lives have both been filled with tough moments, moments where we just wanted to give up. But with each other by our side we can get through anything Y/N"

Hakuryuu slowly pushed hair behind your ear but didn't dare look away from you. "Like I said, our lives may have been rough but I think all we needed to make it our best life ever was just..a touch of love.."


"Huh I win!" Morgiana yells in victory jumping up from a bush close to where you and Hakuryuu were now cuddling. "Yeah yeah I know..." Alibaba says in defeat. You see the two of them had made a bet to see who would make the move first, you or Hakuryuu. Morgiana betted on Hakuryuu and Alibaba betted on you. With no surprise Morgiana won. You turn around to see Morgiana doing a victory dance? Wait was she watching? You didn't care..for now but you knew that there was gonna be some fighting later. You went back to cuddling Hakuryuu.

Just a touch of love ( Hakuryuu x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now