Chapter 11. The plan

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You walk to your room, your grip on Morgianas arm getting stronger with each step. " Y/N? What's g-going on?" She says as she follows you. You didn't answer you just gave her a flustered look as you enter the bedroom and close the door behind you.

"O-okay listen up.." you say as Morgiana sits on the edge of her bed looking up at you " I may or may not have feelings for Hakuryuu..." your face goes a bright red as you wonder what Morgianas reaction may be. Her eyes widen as a smile grows on her face, "yeah I already knew" she says with a sly smirk. "Wait! W-what?!? How do you know?!? Do you think he knows?!?" You start stuttering getting deeper into your flustered state "no he doesn't know and don't worry your secret is safe with me!"

After a couple minutes of Morgiana trying to settle you from your flustered state you walk out of the room with Morgiana close behind. Alibaba, Aladdin and Hakuryuu were all sitting together chatting and laughing at each other. As soon as the boys saw you they could tell that something was wrong. "Hay Y/N? You okay?" Hakuryuu says with a look of concern "a-ah yes I'm fine totally fine!" You stutter trying your best to calm down.

"If you say so...". Hakuryuu says with a sigh as he gets back to chatting with the other boys. You let out a slight sigh of relief as you mentally pat yourself on the back thinking that this all could of gone much worse. For the rest of the day you tried your hardest to stay away from Hakuryuu not wanting to get flustered again. But little did you know Morgiana was making a plan with Alibaba to do exactly that, to get you and Hakuryuu together.

Just a touch of love ( Hakuryuu x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now