Chapter 10. The confusion

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For the rest of the day you were flustered and shaken especially around Hakuryuu, you didn't know if you should tell him how you really felt or just keep it to your self. What happens if he doesn't like you back? Will he hate you forever? Your mind was racing and this was obvious to everyone around you even Hakuryuu.

You were now in your room hugging your knees and staying quiet. Hakuryuu walks past you and sees you looking upset so he decides to do something about it. He walks in a sits next to you "Hay Y/N!" he says with a goofy smile "a-ah h-hello! I mean ah sup!" You say stuttering you feel your heart start to pound and your face heat up.

Half an hour later Hakuryuu leaves the room after having a very awkward conversation with you ( it was mostly him talking and you stuttering ) once he was gone you sigh "god I'm an idiot.." you think to yourself as you get under covers and tries to fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up to the sound Alibaba yelling, you groan because you wanted to sleep in for longer as you get out of bed and heads to the group. "What's going on-" you say but you were cut off by seeing Alibaba screaming at Hakuryuu "you need to tell her!- oh hi Y/N!" He sees you and puts on a cutesy kind voice. Hakuryuu was sitting there with his face so red you could hardly see his scare, "a-ah hi!" He says and everyone in the room could feel both of your hearts pound.

You tried to forgot about what just happened as you walk up to Morgiana. "Hay!" You say softly as you play with your hair "good morning Y/N!" She says back with her usual blunt smile. You grab her arm and pull her away "come on we need to talk"

Authors note: thank you all so much for reading this story! It makes me so happy to see that people actually enjoy my work and even after this story if finished I will make sure to write new stories for people to enjoy!! - Microwave with legs.

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