Chapter 6. The peaceful sleep

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It has now been a month since your training begun and you were now able to use a sword almost as could as Alibaba could, you were always praised as a fast learner but learning how to use a weapon from scratch was not only impressive to you but also to your peers.

It's was a cold yet calm day for you full of training with Hakuryuu which you managed to knock him down of course that was only because he was wasn't using all his power. You and Hakuryuu became great friends you would both wake up early to train and stay up late at night chatting about your dreams and his adventures it was honestly the greatest time of your life.

Everyone was now asleep and you were still up sitting on the floor reading like you normally did while waiting for Hakuryuu. You turned another page as you feel a wooden hand slowly touch your shoulder, this made you jump and drop your book which caused you to loose your page "Hakuryuu!" You yell then quickly cover your mouth forgetting that the others were asleep.

"H-heh sorry Y/N I didn't think you would screams." He chuckled as he sits down next to you with a warm smile. You elbow his arm playfully and giggle "it's ok I can't stay mad at you" you say with a smile, "neither could I Y/N" he says as he pats your head softly.

Your night was filled with chatting with Hakuryuu and you both enjoyed it, you would usually get into bed once you were tired but tonight you just kept wanting to chat but eventually your vision started to get blurry and you passed out on Hakuryuu.

This obviously shocked him but he smiles looking at your cute face. "Goodnight Y/N" he says as he wraps his arms around you to keep you warm and not long after he falls asleep too. You two both slept peacefully being in each other's warm embrace.

Authors note: hay guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile ( I honestly don't think anyone cares but whatever ) I've been busy but I'll try to update more then I can - Microwave with legs.

Just a touch of love ( Hakuryuu x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now