Chapter 20

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"Haunting voices fill the room,
their source remaining undefined.
Shadows cast from faceless beings.
Lost for centuries."


It's been a week since the 'talk' with Zayn. We are a couple and things have been going pretty fine. He is a genuinely nice person and he is caring, which is kind of not what I really expected. It's just because he had portrayed all of that 'not giving a damn' image of himself. But not that I'm complaining.

We've been acting like a high school couple. Holding hands and stuff. The first day, on our way to the cafe he grabbed my hand hesitantly and smiled like a kid on the Christmas morning when I didn't pull away.

I would do anything, I'd even offer my firstborn to whatever higher power there is just to see Niall and Christina's face when they saw us walk in like that again and especially when Zayn joined us at the table and called me babe in between our conversation. 

Christina nearly spat out her drink on Zayn's face and Niall stopped chewing his sandwich as if to check if what he heard was right.

It took everything in me not to burst out laughing at their faces. They looked like they had seen a ghost! 

Later on, when Zayn had excused himself from the table to go to the restroom, which to be honest I think was a silent hint from him to clear stuff to these two so that they would quit looking at us like we just told them that we're engaged, both of their gazes followed him to the door and as soon as he was gone, they whipped their heads towards me so fast I was surprised that they didn't end up breaking their necks.

"What was that all about!?" Christina asked a bit too loudly.

"Girl, you got some explaining to do," Niall said while taking a sip of his drink.

Ah shit, here we go again.


"Umm...Seriously!? You're not five, Elizabeth! You know exactly what I am talking about!" Christina leaned in and folded her arms on the table.

"That's the whole point actually! I'm not five. Yes, we are a thing. We are dating. What's the big deal over here? Why are you guys acting so weird?" I said casually and leaned back in my seat.

After that there was silence. Not even a single word from both of them as they just sat there looking at me.

At the same time Zayn came back and sat beside me. He looked between Christina and Niall and then at me with a confused expression. 

"What did I miss?"

"Quite a lot, mate. The showdown," Niall replied to him but his eyes were fixed on me.

"Oh...Ohhh!" words tumbled out of Zayn's mouth as the realization hit him.

Despite trying so hard not to laugh, his squeaky voice, pushed me over the edge, I burst out laughing. To not make the situation any worse I looked down to hide my laugh.

 To not make the situation any worse I looked down to hide my laugh

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