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Matty's POV

I meet her again in the elevator, she recognized me as I stepped inside. "Hi, Matt" she waved her hand a bit at me before tucking her hair between her ear. "It's Matty" I chuckled. "Uh sorry, Matty"

"No, it's fine. Where have you been?" I look down at her grocery bag. "As you can see" she lifts up the bag towards me.

"Do you want to come over? I can make you a hot chocolate" she grins at me. "Lovely" I follow her step to her room which is really close to mine.

She took off her coat hanging up to the hook on the wall and kicked out her shoes before closing the door behind me.

"Oh this is too lovely" I look around to analyses everything she puts in her room. It's a pastel color dominant. This is too way better than hell the next door. The smells of this room and how she managed all stuff here is a reflection of her mental health.

I sit on the couch as she told me to wait for hot chocolate as she promised me before.

She came from the back carrying two cups of hot chocolate with a smile. "How long have you stay here?" she starts a conversation. "Around 3 years or so" I nodded as my fingertip drumming on my lap "are you american?" I asked back.

"Yup. San Francisco, I decided to live independently far away from my family there so here I am" she answered with a cheeky smile. "Oh it's nice I bet. By the way, I live with my best friends. You can come over if you want" she laughs with a small nodded before handing me a cup of hot chocolate that probably warm now so we can drink it. "Thanks" I look at her before drink it up carefully.

Daphne's POV

I went to their flat this evening, I told Clementine about what happened with my own version and she understood about all the kinds of stuff were going between Matty and me. She's not ever mad or hates me for the things I've done, she took it easily and still wants to be my friend.

I was afraid at first that Matty would be there then, fortunately, he wasn't there.

I heard someone laughs behind the door before I even touch the doorknob, it's not someone it's two people and I clearly hear Matty's laugh with a girl. "Do you miss something?" Clementine asked from my back.

"Daphne?!" Clementine snapped and open the door. We found Matty and a girl stood up in front of the door. She's blonde with her hair straight up to her chest. She has brown heavenly eyes, she's quite shorter than me and I guess they were having fun.

He turns around to face us as he heard the door was open. His face expression turns quickly from a happy one to a surprise one as he met me. I'm stood freezing look at his eyes and his mouth quite hanging open.

"Uhm, hiya! We are going to go, come on Daphne" Clementine grabs my arm and we walk passed Matty. I peeped him behind my shoulder before catching up with Clementine. The words are true, you know you're in love when you try to let him go. In the state of don't deserve to be jealous drives me mad. I really want to take a step back and ask him who the fuck is she. They seem knowing too well like it is not their first meet.

"Daphne" Clementine shaking my body. "Yeah? Sorry" I'm scratching my forehead. "Do you hear me?"

"What? What did you say? I'm so sorry" I said sadly. "You alright, love?" she squeeze my shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine I just a little bit headache" I nod in pain.

"Is it has something to do with Matty?"

"Uhm totally not" I lied. "Do you mind if I'm not going with you? I want to go home" she nodded.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder to walk out of the flat building. She's pulling up a taxi for me and hug me before let me go. I smile sadly before I close a taxi door leaving her.

Matty's POV

I felt a little bit guilty as she found me with another girl. She has no right to be jealous and I don't have to be worried about what she will gonna feel for me after it. I open my flat door to let Claire inside so she can meet others. I see Adam first stood up behind the door with his face straight for a few seconds. Maybe he knew we were passed each other but he greeted Claire instead. "Adam" he shook his hand as she reached out to him and I close the door behind.

My bandmates spending their time at the mini studio that we had. I take Claire there to meet Ross and George as Adam walks in front of us. Adam opens the door and suddenly George's drum blast into our ears "sorry" I saw Claire open her ears. "No it's fine" she said with a little bit scream.

"Guys, meet Claire! Our new neighbor, she lives in the next door" I raised up my voice so George and Ross could stop playing. "Hi, nice to meet you Claire. I'm George" George waving from his seat behind the drum with his hand grips a drumstick. "Ross" Ross walks up to her and shook his hand with hers.

"You're in the band?" she quickly looks at me. "I think so" I answered awkwardly. "You singing?" she asked happily. "I guess so, I can't sing actually" three of my bandmates continue to play their instruments trying to make music so they won't hear anything between me and Claire's on about.

"I'm about to take Claire to the living room, I guess this is too loud here" they're all nodded as a response and exchanged the smile one by one with Claire as she waved her hand and I close the studio door.

"They're all nice" she pushes her hands to her back like she's hiding something. She shifted awkwardly and look down before tucking her own her between her ear. She looks quite shy and then she walks closer to mine, she was like trying to kiss me but I took a step back.

"Sorry I— uh" she took a step back and her cheeks redder, most likely feel embarrassed. "No, sorry, I— uhm" I don't know what I was thinking but it couldn't be right for me to kiss her. "I feel like I should go" she pointed out to her left side before walk herself out of my flat. "Claire, wait up!" she turns around "we can hang out sometimes" I said from where I stood and she just gave me a little nod and smile sadly before she left.

It used to be easy for me to kiss a girl that I like for the first time I knew her, but it is now different. Oh Matty shut up! You're not kissed her because you're in love with Daphne, stop it you fucking cliché right now. I'm twisted with myself.

// P e t r i c h o r // Matty HealyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя