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"Thank you." I shifted my gaze to look at him. "Yours are beautiful too."

He blushed. "Really? Thank you."

"Any hobby? Or, maybe let me ask you this instead, do you have a best sport?" Juliana asked, that which turned out to be the last question that I was expecting. "Just trying to get to know you." She explained to me.

"I love basketball."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Same here. I love volleyball too though and I also love swimming. Are you a good swimmer?"

"I wouldn't say yes, but I can swim."

"Do you like clubbing?"Mandy, the lady with the red hair asked.

"No, not really."

They all gasped, causing me to look from one person to another.

"Oh why? I love clubbing, we all do. The flickering lights, the deafening music, the crazy dancing and drinking until you get drunk, which is, the best part." She laid emphasis on the last three words.

"We all love clubbing but we are not alcoholics like her. We go there whenever we want to celebrate a birthday or success." Grace supplied.

"How about we go to a club this Saturday to celebrate you joining us?" Mandy enthusiastically suggested.

"I don't drink."

"That is no problem, you don't have to drink. We can just sit at the bar, play games and all that. That way you'll get to know us more."

"Sounds good." I agreed, shaking my head a little.

"What's your..." Jameson was saying but I quickly cut in.

"Guys, guys, we need to get to work. Later we can continue with this."

"Aw!" They groaned with disappointment.

"Okay?" I asked.

With this, they all returned to their desk while I made my way over to mine.

I loved the department and I had developed a liking for all of them. They were all nice and cooperative. There was Juliana, the youngest in the department with good brain, Catherine the philosopher, Michael the jester, Mandy the sassy girl, Jameson who was a bit of a talkative and last of all Grace the timid one.

I got back home at five. I was given the grace to always get off work at five everyday with Sunday off. After I took a shower, I went downstairs to the dining table where Anthony already set the table.

"Scrambled eggs." He announced placing the last dish on the table alongside the other ones.

"Thank you, Anthony."

"How was work today? I hope it wasn't too stressful." He asked.

"Not at all and they were all nice to me."

"In that case, you're really lucky."

"Yeah, that I am." I laughed. "Will you like to join me?" I asked.

"No, don't worry about me, just enjoy your meal." And then, he had disappeared into the kitchen again. I was going to raise a spoonful of salad to my mouth when Brian walked in. Acting like he didn't see me, he walked on to his room and I shrugged before getting back to the food before me.

He didn't come to join me at the dining table as always. I left for my room after assisting Anthony with doing the dishes.

Hearing a soft knock at the door, I hopped out of bed to check who it was. I was busy painting my nails and had grumbled at the possibility of them getting smeared during the process of opening the door since they weren't dry yet.

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