Part 3

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I returned to the food hall to see if my friends were still there but it was completely empty. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see that 3rd period had started 10 minutes ago! I thought the headteacher let us go quickly so we wouldn't be late for lesson! I sighed and walked fast towards my art class, clutching my things.

I opened the door and saw everyone busy with their work. Luckily, the teacher was nowhere to be seen and I quickly made my way to the empty art station at the back. When I finished organising my things, my eyes moved to scan the room. The walls were still covered in the same displays and pictures from last year, with a few new touches to the colours and designs.

I lowered my gaze to analyse the other students. Some were sat on the tables in the middle of the room, most of them were at the art stations across the walls. As I looked around I recognised some other students that I was with last year and some new faces from the other classes. I turned back to my work when I suddenly heard a familiar deep voice next to me.

"Y/n?" I walked around the board at the front of my station, only to meet Kim Taehyung, who had the same suprised look plastered on his face as I must've had on mine.
"Taehyung, hi. I didn't know you took art aswell." I smiled.
"Same here! It's good to see you. At least I won't be working alone like I basically did last year." He beamed, looking relieved.

"Oh, I saw you leave the food hall and Jungkook followed you. Do you know where he went because he didn't come back for the rest of break." He asked. I sighed annoyingly. I guess there's no harm in telling him what happened, at least no more harm can be caused from this already. So I told him everything the headteacher had said and the 'challenge' she set for us.

Once I was done explaining, Taehyung laughed loudly, showing his body smile as he tried to lower his volume to prevent the attention he was bringing to himself from increasing. After a while, he calmed down enough to talk.

"Oh god, you and Jungkook have definitely got into an interesting situation. It'll be so difficult for the both of you to handle. However, me and my hyungs won't mind it at all." I looked at him confused. None of them would mind this? Does that mean they all like me except for Jungkook? If so, why?

"Really? Why is that?" I asked curiously. Taehyung smiled.
"Well, believe it or not, me and the others are all hard workers just like you. We all pay close attention to our studies unlike Jungkook, who only likes to pay attention when he believes its needed. That's why he's in this situation." He sighed tiredly. I couldn't help but chuckle at his explanation. That sounds just like Jungkook.

Taehyung continued. "I'm actually glad the head has assigned you to do this for him. If anyone can save him from bad grades, it's you. I'm certain my hyungs will feel the same way as well." He reassured. I smiled at his kind words. At least its only Jungkook who doesn't like me out of their group, for some unclear reason.

As soon as the lesson finished, I ran to my locker and safely stored my things in it quickly, just incase a certain someone decided to steal them or damage them. Tae's voice rang out behind me and I turned to meet him as he bent over to regain his breath. I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"What's up?" I asked, uncertain of what he could want now.
"Sorry for bothering you but... are you doing anything after school tomorrow?" He asked back and I froze. Why does he want to know that? Does he- no! Don't think like that, let him be more precise first.

"I- I don't think so... whyyy?" Every part of my body was itching for me to escape this awkward moment right now. Just calm down, y/n. Pay attention to what he really wants.

"Well, I was just wondering if you could meet with me and the others tomorrow to help Jungkook with his studies?" My body calmed and sank slightly from his question. In all honesty, I've had a slight crush on Tae since I first started attending this school. But despite that, what he said about tutoring Jungkook tomorrow is what saddened me more.

"To- tomorrow? Why so soon? I mean the teacher only just told me to tutor him today!" I exclaimed. I haven't even fully taken in the fact that I have to tutor that egoistic jerkbag! God, I really wish this was all just a bad dream and I'd wake up from it soon.

"Haha, I know you're probably not looking forward to it since he kinda... bullies you- but me and the others will all sort his attitude out for you. We want him to improve anyway, not just because he has a chance of being kicked out the band. You can help him. Please?" He rushed and pleaded me. I honestly broke like a twig at his cute, hopeful face.

I was about to respond when an arm wrapped round Tae's shoulders. An annoying voice I knew too well was heard.
"Hey Tae. What's up? Is this mouse causing you trouble? I'll get rid of it." Jungkook smirked and stepped between me and Tae, grabbing my arm but Tae stopped his movements immediately.

"Jungkook, the bullying stops here. She and our hyungs are going to help you with your studies whether you like it or not, so you better be nice to her from now on. Understand?" Tae stated clearly. Jungkook's face was frozen from suprise and confusion. He opened his mouth to talk but Tae pulled him away before he could speak.

"See you tomorrow, y/n." He turned back to smile at me as he continued to quickly pull Jungkook and his threatening glare down the corridor and thankfully away from me, for now. I sighed and made my way to the hall for lunch, where I once again met with a slouched Luke, tired Mia and hyper-as-always Jessica. I smiled widely at them.

"Mind telling us what happened at break?" Luke slurred out. I sighed and sat next to Jessica. They all switched their attention to me and leaned in to listen to my explanation. I guess I have no choice but to tell them. I mean of course I was going to tell them anyway, but its nice to still have the option if its needed.

Quite frankly, I want to forget all of today and get on with my life without Jungkook's very existence. However, that's always been impossible and tutoring him does not make it better at all.

Jeon Jungkook: BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now