Halloween with Sophie & Keefe

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I didn't really realize this, but this chapter almost goes with the last one in the most accidental way. You'll see soon. Happy Halloween you guys!

In this piece of writing you'll notice that I don't straight up tell you what's going on all the time. Showing not telling is a skill I've needed to work on in my writing, and I hope you guys can still understand this piece without me needing to say how the characters are feeling at certain times. Let me know if you liked it and understood it.

When you figure out Sophie & Keefe's halloween costumes, comment at what point in the story you realized them. No reading the comments until you find out, you little cheaters.

Their ages in this halloween bonus chapter are the same ones that they are in Seventeen, another fanfiction I have. They are both seniors in high school. Enjoy!

Halloween with Sophie & Keefe | Keefe's POV | First Person

"You look cute, babe."

Her cheeks flushed red, a daily occurrence when she was around me. "Let's just go."

I hold my hands up in the air in surrender. My smirk spreads wider. "Whatever you say, cutie," I teased. I reached for her hand.

"Try beautiful," she muttered, but let me have her hand anyways.

"I'm just kidding, Foster," I tell her, kissing her cheek affectionately. "We look gorgeous."

Her eyebrow inched higher on her face. "Oh, we do now, don't we?" Her eyes shone in challenge.

I let my eyes linger on her for a moment, soaking in every detail of her. My free hand brushed a dangling curl behind her ear. "We look stunning."

 A small smile played onto her lips. "You're devilishly handsome sometimes."

"Sometimes. Okay, Foster," I say in an offended tone we both know is fake. I take the opportunity of our conversation pause to tug her out of the house, walking down the street with her hand in mine.

Seeing her glowing in her costume, I give her hand a squeeze. "You look ethereal, Sophie."

And she does, with her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and the soft look in her eyes. Her white dress accents her form, her wings peeking out behind her shoulders, fluttering softly. The golden ring above her head sparkles in the lamplight.

She laughs, her voice ringing out happily into the night. "I still can't believe that you actually convinced me to do this. I'm almost eighteen, and so are you, Keefe."

I til my head in a cocky manner, grinning. "I can be very persuasive."

"Oh, stop," she says, shoving me lightly. She grabs my hand and pulls me down a walkway and up steps with a smile on her face. We ring the doorbell together.

"Trick or treat!"

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