Bumper Cars I - Sophie's POV

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Sophie's POV - Two Months After They Start Dating Again
"What is this place?" Keefe asked in awe. His ice-blue eyes darted around the place in wonder, trying to capture and take in everything.

An amusement park.

Sophie laughed at her boyfriend. "You really need to get out more!"

"I 'get out' plenty!" He protested, looking indignant. "Why do you think I've got such a hot bod?" He gestured to his six-pack with a grin.

She ignored his egotistical comment, instead managing to wear a smirk. "Yeah, sure you get out. In the Elvin world."

Keefe rolled his eyes with a smile. "Maybe it's just cause us being here is illegal, Sophie." It was the forbidden cities, after all.

She tsked at him the moment the words were out or his mouth. "Since when were you one for following rule, Keefe?" She sucked in a breath teasingly. "Wait - have I managed to tame the bad boy?" Her tone was of pleasant, sarcastic, disbelief.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you have, Love." With a gentle sort of smile, he curled his fingers around hers.

Electricity coursed through her at his touch, their chemistry still strong as anything.

"Well, at least you'll alway be my bad boy," Sophie said softly, not playfully bantering with him any longer. She leaned over, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

It'd only been two months, and their relationship, their bond, had grown even stronger than ever. The both of them were closer than cognates.

Sophie leaned her head against his shoulder as they wandered, completely content with the bustling noise of the crowd filling her ears. "Want to go on a ride?"

Something had already captured his interest.

"What are those?" Keefe asked, pointing to the bumper cars.

"Bumper cars," she answered. "So no rides, then?"

"Depends if that counts as a ride," he replied with a cheeky grin, still looking at the cars.

"I'll get the tickets," Sophie sighed. But it was a good kind of exasperation.
A/N: I know, I know. It's been way too long. As my followers know, things have been lacking in my life. Such as a computer. While I will be getting a computer soon (yay!), however, I will be leaving for Europe soon as well. Just not quite as soon.

There's actually no way for me to make this chapter private, sooo....free chapter for everyone for now! It will be private soon enough, tho, so maybe read fast if you aren't a follower.

As some of you might have noticed, this is a part one. There will be a part two. I was actually writing his for a request from ilovekotlc, and it ended up longer than I expected with me not even getting through to what she wanted. Oh well.

Speaking of requests, guys, keep those coming. I won't update if I don't get requests. Writing keeps me grounded, so even if I get a lot of them, I will get to them. I will tell you all if I feel overwhelmed.

I love every single one of you.
Owl ~

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