Read - Grady's POV

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Grady's POV - 3rd Person

Grady stared at the paper in his hands, the papers scattered from the shoebox, all over Sophie's bed, my anger grew.

Keefe hurt her just as much as Fitz died, that boy.

(That was a typo at first, but now it's not anymore hehe)

His fists clenched at the thought. Chattering noises descended the hallway. Grady looked up to see his daughter and son-in-law.

Both with very, very pale faces; Sophie's flushed, Keefe's terrified.

Sophie was the first to come to. "Dad! Y-You shouldn't be rifling through my stuff," she stuttered, her cheeks tomato red.

Grady scowled at Keefe, who was cowering behind her. "Well someone left it here for me to read, so," he grumped, my voice booming.

"Alright, what's going on in here?" Edaline asked, popping out from behind the doorway with a plate of indigoobers. "Grady, stop bothering these two."

"It was a long time ago," Keefe said after the awkward pause, his normally calm and cool form shaky. "All girls go through breakups, right?" He laughed nervously.

Grady frowned. That was the sort of thing he was supposed to protect his daughter from. It was a fatherly duty.

"Six years worth of break ups?" He asked in a low, threatening voice.

Sophie stepped in between the two of them, offering a bright, nervous smile. "So, Keefe will have to earn his name back again, and Dad will be leaving. That's great!" She gave Edaline a look.

His wife dropped the plate of indigoobers, laughing weakly as she made her way over to him. "Grady, come on..." When he didn't budge, she gave him The Look.

The Look meant that if he didn't move something bad was about to go down. He knew from experience.

Grady mumbled, "Fine," getting up to go with Edaline.

Away from That Boy.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed. I was actually going to do another reader's request for this, and then I realized that I didn't have names for their future kids.

If they had kids. Do you guys want them to have kids? I mean, I'm undecided myself.

If you do want them to have kids, please suggest names here>>>

If anyone wants me to do a short writing piece involving the characters for this series, please PM me and let me know. I'm currently all out of ideas, so you suggesting some stuff will definitely be great.


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